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Achieving The “Impossible”: How ICLEI And Cool Counties Were Removed From Albemarle County, VA Tuesday Morning Group Coalition Meeting October 11, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving The “Impossible”: How ICLEI And Cool Counties Were Removed From Albemarle County, VA Tuesday Morning Group Coalition Meeting October 11, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving The “Impossible”: How ICLEI And Cool Counties Were Removed From Albemarle County, VA Tuesday Morning Group Coalition Meeting October 11, 2011 Presentation by Charles Battig, MS, MD VA-Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environment

2 The Inspiration Donna Holt speaking about ICLEI at the Tea Party Convention Richmond October 2010 Tom DeWeese and his American Policy Center The success of County Commissioner Richard Rothschild in removing ICLEI from Carroll County, Maryland in January 2011 Discovering the history of Albemarle County’s ICLEI membership Achieving a four conservative member majority on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors

3 Raising Public Awareness October 2010, our local Jefferson Area Tea Party (JATP) Chairperson, Carole Thorpe, agreed that ICLEI would be a Tea Party objective for 2011 The JATP “National Issues Forum” is presented as an open, public education event October 29, 2010 My presentation on ICLEI is one of the five topics

4 A Favorable Omen This is the same evening that President Obama comes to Charlottesville campaigning for the incumbent Democratic senatorial candidate who subsequently would lose to now-Senator Robert Hurt

5 The Warm Up

6 The Follow Up March 17, 2011: The Jefferson Area Tea Party sponsors a public educational event in the County Office auditorium titled “The Deceptive Agenda of Sustainability in Local Government” Tom DeWeese responds to our request and volunteers to join me on the program Over 120 local citizens attend

7 The Main Event

8 Making Use Of County Board Of Supervisors’ Protocol The County Board of Supervisors holds two public meetings each month A nominal two to three minute talk time is available to the public for “Items not on the Agenda” I decided to show up twice a month and engage in the “death of a thousand cuts” process

9 Effective Rules Of Engagement You must do your homework You must be factual You must be polite You must do focused “sound bite” presentations You must not become discouraged A sense of humor helps

10 The Process Twice a month presentations Print out and distribute the presentation to the BOS Switch to Power Point presentations Use original source data, including web site pages E-mail presentations to selected members of the Board of Supervisors the day before the public meeting Get other supporters to speak at these public BOS meetings

11 Homework Made A Bit Easier

12 The Start Of The Cool Counties Trail: December 5, 2007 BOS Minutes

13 County Staff Promotes “ICLEI” February 2008

14 Albemarle Staff Had Already Enrolled County As An ICLEI Member, November 2007 May 201114

15 Initial Reaction From One BOS Member What U.N…I don’t see any U.N. in County documents A Tea Party conspiracy Tea Party infiltration into County Government There is a “climate change” consensus Climate skeptics are climate change deniers ICLEI membership costs only $1200 per year

16 U.N. Agenda 21 Embedded In The U.S. By President Clinton Aug 2011

17 What United Nations? I Don’t See Any United Nations The U.N. establishes the Agenda 21 global plan for implementation of “sustainability” in 1992 ICLEI becomes a “co-operation partner” to implement the Local Agenda 21 project (Chapter 28 of Agenda 21) in 1997 President Clinton forms “The President’s Council on Sustainable Development” in 1993 The U.N. Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declares 2005-2014 the “Decade of Education for Sustainable Development” May 201117

18 ICLEI Is International

19 U.N. Secretary General Says So

20 ICLEI Has Special Status Within The U.N.

21 Local Agenda 21 and ICLEI

22 Local Agenda 21 Is Global 22

23 “Leveraging” the UN Goals in the U.S. Education System

24 ICLEI Is In Virginia At The State Level ICLEI USA : “Initiated in 2007, the Virginia State Climate Protection Network consists of local governments from across the state that are taking critical and innovative steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and develop in a more sustainable and just manner” Virginia contact: Megan Wu May 201124

25 ICLEI USA Partner Organizations Partner Organizations include: Architecture 2030 Center for American Progress Earth Day Network International City/County Managers Association National Wildlife Federation Natural Resources Defense Council Sierra Club and Sierra Club’s Cool Cities/Cool Counties US EPA May 201125

26 The First Success June 8, 2011: The Albemarle County BOS votes four to two to defund ICLEI after hours of tumultuous public comment Why did the BOS vote to defund and withstand a packed auditorium of environmental activists, UVA students, and liberal politicians booing and catcalling Tea Party members speaking to defund ICLEI? Answer: Quote…We gave logical and factual reasons; the opposition booed and gave catcalls

27 The Next Success September 7, 2011: The BOS vote four to two to rescind their 2007 “Cool Counties” resolution Why? Answer: The majority felt that Albemarle County regulations should originate in Albemarle County, and not be based on outside advocacy organizations

28 The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (TJPDC) Planning District Commissions are a creation of the 1968 Virginia General Assembly, staffed by a mixture of elected and non- elected individuals. Funding includes governmental and private grants. The mission: “to promote the orderly and efficient development of the physical, social, and economic elements of the Thomas Jefferson Planning District by planning and encouraging and assisting governmental subdivisions to plan for the future” They function much as an un-elected, shadow government implementing the members own interests; the same small cadre of members appear on several local government agencies and in other, non-elected positions, enabling their advocacy to be law May 201128

29 Just A Guide?; You Decide

30 APA Climate Change Handbook

31 For Some Planners It Is More Than Just About Parking Places And Park Space

32 How To Get H.U.D. Funding For “Sustainability” In Twenty-Six Pages May 201132

33 Albemarle County HUD Application May 201133

34 H.U.D. Funds Sustainability Grant

35 If Not ICLEI, Will It Be UVA Graduate Students Using You For A Term Project? Aug 2011

36 The Bad News Success is only one BOS election away from a return to a progressive majority Although ICLEI is defunded, the County staff mindset is still favors ICLEI related policies The Thomas Jefferson Planning District has $1 million from H.U.D. and three years to build their case for implementing their “sustainability” reforms in the County and City Comprehensive Plans

37 My On-Line Library

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