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Welcome to Duncan Christian School’s Course Selection Evening Decision Making Time!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Duncan Christian School’s Course Selection Evening Decision Making Time!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Duncan Christian School’s Course Selection Evening Decision Making Time!

2 drives Master Timetabledrives Master Timetable determines what courses can & will be offered to studentsdetermines what courses can & will be offered to students changes to student initial choiceschanges to student initial choices difficult… may be impossible… after the time table has been set MOST IMPORTANTLY… It sets a path for “Life after DCSS” Why is course selection so important?

3 1) Deciding what to take… Begin with the end in mind! – Do you want to graduate? – What are you planning to do after you graduate? – Carefully read through the list of courses to find out what is studied, how they are marked, what the assignments are, etc – Remember: electives allow you to explore areas of interest! – Electives can help you learn life skills

4 Informed decisions…. YOUR CHOICE YOUR FUTURE * Other(s) who have TAKEN the class Teacher(s) of the course Course Descriptions * Weakest source of info Post Secondary Entrance Requirements

5 96 credits (equivalent to 24 4-credit courses) are required for graduation at Duncan Christian School. This includes Bible 10, 11 & 12 and Career & Life Transitions 12. a Language Arts 10 * 4 credits a Language Arts 11 4 credits a Language Arts 12 * 4 credits Social Studies 10 4 credits Social Studies 11 * 4 credits Science 10 * 4 credits a Science 11 or 12 4 credits a Mathematics 10 * 4 credits a Mathematics 11 or 12 4 credits Bible 104 credits Bible 114 credits Bible 124 credits Physical Education 10 4 credits Planning 104 credits A Fine Art or Applied Skill 10, 11 or 12 4 credits Graduation Transitions 4 credits Career & Life Transitions 124 credits Grade 12 elective courses (minimum of 2) 8 credits Additional elective courses – gr. 10, 11 or 1220 credits TOTAL CREDITS ---------------- 96 2) GRADUATION: DCSS GRADUATION PROGRAM - Requirements for Grade 10-12 See Course booklet for this information

6 Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 English 8English 9English 10English 11English 12 or Communications 12 Socials 8Socials 9Socials 10Socials 11Career & Life Transitions 12 Bible 8Bible 9Bible 10Bible 11Bible 12 Math 8Math 9A math 10A math 11Elective 12 Science 8Science 9Science 10A science 11 OR 12Elective PE 8PE 9PE 10Elective French 8/Student Support 8 French 9/Student Support 9 Elective FNASK 10** Elective FNASK 8**FNASK 9**FNASK 11** xxxxx Elective

7 3) What do I want to do after I graduate? Career? Straight to work? College? – Smaller and cheaper than a university – Good transition from high school – Easier to get in – admission standards are lower University? Typically need English 12 + 4 other grade 12 academic courses (+ must have a competitive average) Bible college? See “Research and Plan” handout for this information

8 4) Which math do I take? See math handout for this information

9 5) Which science do I take? Students must have a science 11 or 12 to graduate – choices at DCSS are: Biology 11- Biology 12 Chemistry 11- Earth Science 11 Physics 11- Sustainable Resources 11 See Course booklet for this information

10 6) Which English and social studies do I take? Students must have a language arts 11 AND 12 to graduate – choices at DCSS are: – Communications 11- English 11 – Communications 12- English 12 Students must have a social studies 11 or 12 to graduate – choices at DCSS are: – Social Studies 11- First Nations 12 See Course booklet for this information

11 7) Provincial Exams– which ones do students write? Students must write 5 Provincial Exams to graduate – English 10 (worth 20%) – Math 10(worth 20%) – Science 10(worth 20%) – Socials 11(worth 20%) – Language Arts 12 (worth 40%) Please note that universities / colleges NO longer required academic Provincial Exams to be written for entrance

12 Provincial Exams – earning scholarships A student who meets the basic criteria will qualify if he or she: fulfills the BC graduation requirements meets the following requirements: – B.C. students in Grades 10-12 who have the highest provincial exam scores can receive one of the following vouchers to use towards their post- secondary tuition: $1000 (given to 5000 students) $2500 (given to 20 students) achieve at least a “B” (73% or above) final mark in one of the Language Arts 12 (Communications 12, English 12 achieves at least one “A” (86% or higher) and three “B”s (73% or higher) on four of his or her best provincial exams (can include the English 12 provincial exam).

13 9) External Courses There are a number of ways students can earn credits outside of “regular” school – Music- Dance – Languages- Cadets – 4-H These are a few of the ways! See Mrs. Spencer for more information

14 9) Secondary School Apprenticeship 480 hours of paid work experience in a chosen trade Can be done in gr. 10-12 Up to 16 credits (4 courses) towards grad $1000 scholarship Work hours count towards trade certification An AMAZING opportunnity – no catches

15 Apprenticeable Trades Over 150 Different Apprenticeable trades Industry Sectors: – Aerospace -Automotive – Marine -Mechanical – Metal -Construction – Cosmetology -Piping – Electrical and Electronics – Graphic Arts -Motion Picture – Horticulture -Hospitality – Operator -Other – RS – Red Seal – program whose standards are set Federally

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