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S/NVQ Level 3 Children’s Care, Learning and Development 312 Plan and implement positive environments for babies and children under 3 years Concerns about.

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Presentation on theme: "S/NVQ Level 3 Children’s Care, Learning and Development 312 Plan and implement positive environments for babies and children under 3 years Concerns about."— Presentation transcript:

1 S/NVQ Level 3 Children’s Care, Learning and Development 312 Plan and implement positive environments for babies and children under 3 years Concerns about development

2 S/NVQ Level 3 Children’s Care, Learning and Development 312 Plan and implement positive environments for babies and children under 3 years What might concern you (babies) ○Baby not responding to his name ○Baby who does not turn her head to acknowledge your presence ○Baby who rarely cries to express needs ○Baby who is always quiet and makes few demands ○Baby who demonstrates difficulty in fine- and/or gross-motor movements

3 S/NVQ Level 3 Children’s Care, Learning and Development 312 Plan and implement positive environments for babies and children under 3 years What might concern you (children under three) ○Child who appears to have delayed language and is not progressing with sounds ○Child who shows physical/movement difficulties ○Child who shows difficulty in socialising by three years ○Identification of hearing or visual problems

4 S/NVQ Level 3 Children’s Care, Learning and Development 312 Plan and implement positive environments for babies and children under 3 years Skill areas to observe (personal, social, emotional) ○Emerging sense of self (emotional development) ○Relationships with adults ○Relationships with other children ○Self in relation to the setting (response to the environment) ○Emotions and feelings (growing awareness of expressing feelings)

5 S/NVQ Level 3 Children’s Care, Learning and Development 312 Plan and implement positive environments for babies and children under 3 years Other skill areas to observe ○Development of language and communication – does the baby or child understand when you ask questions or point things out? ○Does the baby or child vocalise or verbalise in response to you? ○Is there a growing use of recognisable sounds, strings of sounds or words?

6 S/NVQ Level 3 Children’s Care, Learning and Development 312 Plan and implement positive environments for babies and children under 3 years Other skill areas to observe (continued) ○Can the baby or child move his or her limbs vigorously? ○Can the baby or child co-ordinate movements to hold things, reach and grasp and move his or her body (roll, crawl, stand, walk)? ○Is the child demonstrating a maturing behaviour by three years – beginning to listen to others, take turns and share?

7 S/NVQ Level 3 Children’s Care, Learning and Development 312 Plan and implement positive environments for babies and children under 3 years Parental concerns ○Try to understand why the parent is raising the concern (even if you see no problem). ○Share information clearly about how you can help the child (vary the method of communication as appropriate). ○Provide the parent with information about support groups or professional advice.

8 S/NVQ Level 3 Children’s Care, Learning and Development 312 Plan and implement positive environments for babies and children under 3 years Parental concerns (continued) ○Understand that parents may be in denial about accepting their child has a problem. ○Don’t be tempted to see parents as ‘over anxious’ – always take them seriously. ○Share all observations and assessments. ○Share care and education plans, asking for parental suggestions to be included. ○Initiate the graduated response if needed.

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