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Imperialism for CN part 2. Imperialism China ’ s Response: – Opium War: 1839-1842 Trade inspired war between Britain and China. Seen as beginning of European.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism for CN part 2. Imperialism China ’ s Response: – Opium War: 1839-1842 Trade inspired war between Britain and China. Seen as beginning of European."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism for CN part 2

2 Imperialism China ’ s Response: – Opium War: 1839-1842 Trade inspired war between Britain and China. Seen as beginning of European imperial policies towards China. Trade with China was one way: China did not import much from Europe. – British thought Opium might be a good import for China. Chinese govt attempted to end this trade.

3 Imperialism Opium War: – Two British sailors murdered a Chinese man. British tried them under their own law. China wanted to also try them. – British refused and were kicked out of China. War: British took Hong Kong as a base. – British won the war. Treaty of Nanjing ended war. – It also committed China to free trade including opium. – Ports were open to all traders. – Victory for British meant the opening of China to trade, land and British influence.

4 Imperialism Summarize: – China did not want British influence on their land. – Britain wanted influence in China for trade, land, wealth. – China ’ s attempt to ward off British imperialism failed

5 Imperialism Japan ’ s Response: – Meiji Restoration: 1866-1869 Time period when Japan changed and became more western. 1868: Tokugawa Shogunate lost its power, emperor was restored to power. Emperor took name Meiji, “ enlightened rule ”. Before the Meiji took over, the nation was weak militarily, agricultural and had little technology, and was controlled by 100 ’ s of feudal lords.

6 Imperialism Meiji Restoration: – When the Meiji period ended in 1912 with the death of the emperor, significant changes: Centralized government A constitution with an elected parliament Well developed transport and communication system. Educated population with no feudalism. A growing industrial center with latest technology Powerful army and navy

7 Imperialism Summarizing: – Japan ’ s response to imperialism was to adopt many western ideals: democracy, capitalism and strong, modern military and industry. – Japan did not keep western ideas out, it embraced them. Students were sent to Europe and the United States to study modern science and technology, while foreign experts were hired to help establish factories and educational institutions. – It became equal with western powers.

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