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2004 Northeast Regional Awards. Twentieth Best Kitten Chloes Painted Spirit Brown Marbled Tabby Bengal Owner: Carolyn M Ellis.

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Presentation on theme: "2004 Northeast Regional Awards. Twentieth Best Kitten Chloes Painted Spirit Brown Marbled Tabby Bengal Owner: Carolyn M Ellis."— Presentation transcript:

1 2004 Northeast Regional Awards

2 Twentieth Best Kitten Chloes Painted Spirit Brown Marbled Tabby Bengal Owner: Carolyn M Ellis

3 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Nineteenth Best Kitten Shiverden StevieRay of Singsdablues Seal Sepia Ticked Singapura Owner: Lana Reeves

4 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Eighteenth Best Kitten Nova A Beetlejuice Black & White Norwegian Forest Cat Owner: Melissa Alexander

5 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Seventeenth Best Kitten Mannahatta Pocasset of Quinsigamond Black Smoke Maine Coon Owner: Karen / Rob Fleming

6 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Sixteenth Best Kitten Mainelyclassic Enigma ?? Maine Coon Owner: Rae Sammis / David Billingsley

7 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Fifteenth Best Kitten Mainlysilver Revere Silver Mackerel Tabby Maine Coon Owner: Bonnie / Mike Pilar

8 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Fourteenth Best Kitten Longview Ultraviolet Blue Chartreux Owner: Mary M Super

9 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Thirteenth Best Kitten Longview Utah Trail Silver Classic Tabby American Shorthair? Owner: Mary M Suprt

10 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Twelfth Best Kitten BellaPalazzo Frances Seal Point Bicolor Ragdoll Owner: Mindy Ferreira

11 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Eleventh Best Kitten Provinmountain Nobody Doesit Better Brown Spotted Tabby Bengal Owner: Nancy Robichaud

12 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Tenth Best Kitten Blueblaze Satai Neroon Blue Mackerel Tabby Maine Coon Owner: Elektra / Mike Hammond

13 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Ninth Best Kitten Wizardgate Ostara of Classicalcats ?? Sphynx Owner: Marilyn Keith / Cathy Wolfe

14 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Eighth Best Kitten Codycats Madeline of Mainetales Brown Classic Torbie Maine Coon Owner: Susan Erikson

15 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Seventh Best Kitten Purrsession Oliver ?? Persian ?? Owner: Pat / Ernie Marengo

16 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Sixth Best Kitten Vanderpawz Miki Moto Black & White Sphynx Owner: David / Vandy Veeder

17 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Fifth Best Kitten Cloistercoon Saint Nicholas White Maine Coon Owner: David Billingsley

18 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Fourth Best Kitten Cherryhill OJ Blue Point Bicolor Ragdoll Owner: Margaret Trahan

19 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Third Best Kitten Anouchka Dali Black & White Persian Owner: Brigitte / Natalie Pouliot

20 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Second Best Kitten Wildwood Amonasro of Classicalcats Black & White Sphynx Owner: Marilyn Keith

21 2004 Northeast Regional Awards Best Kitten Anouchka VanGogh Red Classic Tabby & White Exotic Shorthair Owner: Bruce Bennett

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