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1 Pay for Performance Defining a New Framework Michael J. Belman, MD, MPH Clinical Quality and Innovations Blue Cross of California National Pay for Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Pay for Performance Defining a New Framework Michael J. Belman, MD, MPH Clinical Quality and Innovations Blue Cross of California National Pay for Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Pay for Performance Defining a New Framework Michael J. Belman, MD, MPH Clinical Quality and Innovations Blue Cross of California National Pay for Performance Summit February 28, 2008

2 2 Introduction Integrated Healthcare Association (IHA) 5 th year of statewide measurement Over 200 groups and IPAs in the program Incentives from 7 California health plans Clinical quality measures and Patient Assessment Survey Total Blue Cross bonus payment for measurement year (MY) 2006 was $69 million

3 3 Blue Cross of CA HMO Membership Total = 1.4m 5% 1% 12% 4% 40% 18% 7% 12% SACRAMENTO (2%) % = Percent of Blue Cross HMO members in each region

4 4 Clinical Quality by Region

5 5 Patient Satisfaction by Region

6 6 Regional Performance Metrics Treatment for Children with URI

7 7 Regional Performance Metrics Breast Cancer Screening

8 8 IT Implementation Has Impact on Clinical Quality Scores

9 9 IT Implementation Has No Impact on Patient Satisfaction Scores

10 10 Did the Rich Stay Rich?

11 11 Did the Poor Stay Poor?

12 12 Health Disparities and California P4P: Market Statistics (2005 Data) Demo- graphics Riverside San Ber- nardino FresnoSacra- mento San Francisco National Average PCP / 100K53807911686 PCP + SPC / 100K 119171184276207 Hospital Beds / 1000 Source: 2006 HealthLeaders-InterStudy Market Overview

13 13 Health Disparities and California P4P: A Tale of Two Regions DemographicsInland EmpireBay Area PCPs/100K Pop.53116 % Pop. Medi-Cal17%12% % Hispanic43%21% Per Capita Income$21,733$39,048

14 14 Inland Empire Performance Metrics Inland Demographics Lower PCP and specialist numbers in Inland Empire compared to California and the nation Lower number of college graduates and higher number with high school education or below Ethnic breakdown amongst insured in San Bernardino County shows –Higher percent African American and Latino –Lower percent Asian and White Lower percent insured in Inland Empire compared to California

15 15 Conclusions Persistent and consistent regional variation in performance Low performing regions in general do not improve relative performance Membership has not declined in poor performing groups Incentive formula based only on thresholds or rank perpetuates disparity.

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