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Back to the Past. The Protestant Reformation The History and Importance of Martin Luther and other Reformers.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to the Past. The Protestant Reformation The History and Importance of Martin Luther and other Reformers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to the Past

2 The Protestant Reformation The History and Importance of Martin Luther and other Reformers

3 Father VS Son His Father’s Wishes ► Mansfeld, 1484 (Trivium)‏ ► University of Eurfort ► Law School Luther’s Wishes ► Bartholomaus Arnolodi Von Usingen ► Jodocus Trutfetter ► Questions the institution ► July 2, 1505 & Saint Anna

4 What is a Monk?

5 Sinfulness ► Monastic Dedication ► Spiritual Agony ► Johann Von Staupitz ► University of Wittenburg ► October 19, 1512

6 Luther Gets Angry ► Johann Tetzel ► St. Peter’s Basilica ► Indulgences ► Relics ► Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences ► Why did Martin Luther’s 95 theses spread so rapidly at this time?

7 Luther’s Ideas ► Justification by faith alone ► 3 Solas ► Read the Scripture ► Vernacular

8 The Significance of the 95 Theses ► A New Message ► Challenging the Church ► Ex communication ► Diet of Worms (April 18, 1521 ► Fredrick III, Elector of Saxony

9 Recant

10 Secret Identity ► wls0 wls0 wls0

11 Ulrich Zwingli ► Switzerland ► Theocracy- A Government in which church and state are joined and in which officials are considered to be divinely inspired. ► Zwingli was not supported by Luther ► Argued against Transubstantiation

12 John Calvin ► Born in France ► Predestination ► Believed in the “elect”, those who had been chosen for salvation

13 ► mQJqU mQJqU mQJqU

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