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Designing Lego Labs Using Lejos and Mindstorms Adapted from Lynn Stein “Radically ReThinking CS1” NSF Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing Lego Labs Using Lejos and Mindstorms Adapted from Lynn Stein “Radically ReThinking CS1” NSF Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing Lego Labs Using Lejos and Mindstorms Adapted from Lynn Stein “Radically ReThinking CS1” NSF Workshop

2 Programming Languages Lejos (Java) NQC LISP Assembler Other???

3 Level of the Assignment High School CS 0 CS 1 CS 2 2 nd year 3 rd year 4 th year

4 1.CS 1 2.Data Structures & Algorithms 3.Programming Languages 4.Computer Architecture 5.Intelligent Systems 6.Operating Systems 7.Net-centric Computing Areas to be covered

5 Lego Configurations Sensors Motors Chassis

6 Parts of the Assignment Overview Background Problem Statement Lab Preparation Laboratory Solution Strategy Testing Assignment Submission

7 Overview The Purpose of the assignment - Stating this first will prevent false starts Lets student know why we are doing this Short 3- 5 sentences

8 Background Here we highlight relevant material that the student should already know Text pages may be presented if further reading is required Material presented in class is reviewed Web Site addresses may also be included

9 Problem Statement This is a chance for the instructor to be creative. Can be a little story Can be the facts Make sure the requirements are clearly stated Put some “noise” in it so the student can learn to filter information Make sure that the “background” section directly relates to this section

10 Lab Preparation ( Known in Lynn Stein’s world and “Pencil Exercises”) These completed exercises are required for entrance into the lab. What must be read prior to attempting assignment What language Specifics need to be mastered? What particular Classes will be used? What does the API state about the Classes? Required as a “ticket” to lab entrance.

11 The Laboratory Description of the robot to be used in the class. (These are usually provided but it is good to let the student “visualize” the robot before the lab starts.) Lejos Classes and methods needed - these are suggestions only, many students will find alternative solutions that use different classes.

12 Solution Strategy Ideas that the student might not have thought of Here include “FAQs” from your experience. Tips An orderly set of questions that guide the programmer from the starting point to a finished program. Goal – to launch student into independent problem solving

13 Testing These change as the programs get more and more complicated. What are expected inputs and outputs Pre and post conditions What does an error look like in this program What kind of error detection and correction am I using How will I know when my program works correctly. What boundary conditions must be tested

14 What to turn in This varies by instructor We required source code, hand written solution, assessment of outputs The grading sheet from the lab manager. “A brief description of your expectations before coming to lab. A discussion of how you sent your time in lab. How long did this lab take you, including pre-lab preparation? A list of the problems encountered writing code for this lab. A list of the problems running and using this lab. The names and roles of any collaborators on any parts of the project.”

15 Program Grading Sheet

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