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Gaining Acceptance for the Use of Multiple Imputation in the Analysis of Public Data Traffic Records Forum July 14, 2003 Ted Donnelly RI Department of.

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Presentation on theme: "Gaining Acceptance for the Use of Multiple Imputation in the Analysis of Public Data Traffic Records Forum July 14, 2003 Ted Donnelly RI Department of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gaining Acceptance for the Use of Multiple Imputation in the Analysis of Public Data Traffic Records Forum July 14, 2003 Ted Donnelly RI Department of Health

2 Do I look like a salesman?

3 Career in public service

4 Do I look like a salesman? Career in public service Skill set is technical

5 Do I look like a salesman? What is my product?

6 Do I look like a salesman? What is my product? Who are my customers?

7 Meteorology Rainfall Wind resources Application to GIS layer

8 Chandra X-ray of the Crab Nebula Departments of AstroPhysics and Statistics Harvard University

9 Wildfires in the American West Oak Ridge National Laboratory

10 Important government applications where imputation is used US Census 2000 Survey of Income and Program Participation (Census Bureau) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (CDC) Fatality Analysis Reporting System (NHTSA) Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (NHTSA)

11 Winners and Losers Utah vs. Evans II Additional House seat was assigned to NC Use of imputation to improve population estimates upheld by U.S. Supreme Court

12 Do I look like a salesman? Who are my customers?

13 Customers Demographers and epidemiologists familiar with Census Bureau methods

14 Customers Physical scientists use these techniques routinely in graphic representations

15 Customers Survey researchers find MI useful in analysis of incomplete surveys and to calculate improved sample weights

16 Customers State legislators Data Managers Governor’s Highway Safety Representative

17 State legislators part-time elected representatives educated and politically astute familiar with the results of survey research, especially opinion polls

18 Pew Research Center “Based on the total sample, one can say with 95% confidence that the error attributable to sampling and other random effects is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.”

19 Data managers Develop system for purposes that use storage and retrieval May have sophisticated skills but little experience with research Primarily concerned with integrity and usefulness of the data

20 Governor’s Highway Safety Representative Bring HSR along with use of MI in FARS and CODES Technical staff may be familiar with MI Be available for follow-up consultation

21 Additional Concern: Changing public data sets multiple imputation is not a method for changing data tool for improving estimates in the analyses that make data meaningful and error estimable

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