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Global Communication Skills Tosspon Agenda: Listening for Complete understanding Summarizing/Confirming Probing Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Communication Skills Tosspon Agenda: Listening for Complete understanding Summarizing/Confirming Probing Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Communication Skills Tosspon Agenda: Listening for Complete understanding Summarizing/Confirming Probing Skills

2 Assignment Partners will review their assigned topic Read handout FIRST Analyze information and decide what to tell your classmates Give them “tools” from your section Develop a presentation – can use whiteboard, powerpoint or prezi (make one, email it to me btwn 8:30-8:45) You will have 15 minutes to present Check in for prepared-ness at 8:30am, presentations must begin by 9am.

3 Listen for Complete Understanding 3 levels of listening 1.Listening with full understanding and participation 2.Listening with limited understanding (main idea but no details) 3.Listening without understanding (hear the words but don’t pay attention to them) 2 and 3 are UNACCEPTABLE in business situations

4 Listen for Complete Understanding: Tools Excuse me, I did not understand you. Could you please repeat what you just said? Could you summarize what you said, so that I can avoid any misunderstanding? Let me check my understanding. Please correct me if I misunderstood you. You are moving too quickly, could you please slow down? Could you give an example of what you just said?

5 Clarification Skill Practice Suppose your customer is speaking too fast and you did not understand. What would you do? Your vendor is offering you a very attractive package (buy one, get one free), but you are not sure you understood it correctly. Ask your vendor to confirm understanding.

6 Summarizing and Confirming Never assume you were understood. You MUST make more than yes or no responses Always try to rephrase and summarize the statement.

7 Summarizing Tools My discussion points are... Now, does everyone agree? Before we conclude, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page. Instead of “yes, I understand” say, “yes, I understood you to mean (rephrase here).”

8 Summarizing Skill Practice You have just explained a contract proposal to a potential customer which contained: Price ($100 per unit if the monthly purchase volume is less than 100 units, $95 units if the monthly volume exceeds 101 units) Contract term (1 yr) Delivery term (once a month) Suppose your customer said “Do you mean to tell me that your company can supply the materials at any time?” make a complete “yes” response make a complete “no” response.

9 Probing Skills Open-ended questions like, “can you tell me more about…” Ask closed-ended questions like, “Will you accept this idea?” Don’t assume you or the other party/parties understand

10 Probing skill tool box Do you mind if I ask several specific questions? What do you think about…” How do you feel about… Can you expand on… What is your impression of… Are you saying your objective is to…

11 Probing skill practice Your client has stated “I need high quality service.” Probe to ensure that you mean the same thing? Suppose you are selling an idea to your boss. Immediately after your presentation, your boss says, “Your idea has merit and I’m very interested in the idea.” Probe your boss to find out if she really agrees with it and intends to act on it.

12 Learn to speak up When to interrupt How to interrupt How to ask for more time to think if you are asked a question

13 Evaluate Evaluate yourself How easy was it to do this assignment? How well did you work together? Would it be easier or harder to do this assignment alone? Did you have any issues communicating what you wanted to do? What were the challenges? Evaluate your classmates How easy was it to understand him/her? Did you have disagreements? How were they resolved? Did you just swallow your opinion? Evaluate class today

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