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WWI Machine Guns By: Nick Hunn and Austin Shouse.

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Presentation on theme: "WWI Machine Guns By: Nick Hunn and Austin Shouse."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWI Machine Guns By: Nick Hunn and Austin Shouse

2 A group of soldiers defending a position with the Vickers Light Machine Gun.

3 Two men ready to fight off the enemy with the Maxim Gun.

4 Three French soldiers defending a trench with the Chauchat Light Machine Gun.

5 Above is ingenious Gun designer John Browning perfecting the the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR).

6 American soldiers fighting off the enemy with Browning Model 1917 machine gun.

7 Above is the Italian FIAT Revelli machine gun, a great weapon of World War One

8 The ammo box for the FIAT Revelli was unique to say the least, it soldiers need to be trained to load the revelli and to refill the ammo box

9 To the right American soldiers training to use the Browning M1917 Light machine Gun in preparation for combat.

10 version/index.php/t4030.html A french soldier cleaning his weapon during some down time.

11 As you can see the clip that the chauchat uses would constantly get clogged up with mud form the trenches and 99.9% of the time the weapon would jam before you could get off half a clip.

12 Here we have two soldiers in a trench with the Lewis Light Machine Gun http://www.gom eapons.htm

13 m1905-e.html French soldiers firing Puteaux Mle.1905 machine gun on maneuvers

14 Above is the Schwarzlose M1907 an Austrian built machined gun used during WWI

15 achuca/HI1-04.htm Above is a sketh of a soldier with his browning m1917 machine, a popular weapon during the first World War

16 433-military-prototypes-that-never-made-it/ Three french soldiers with a chauchat machine gun in a trench

17 This is a photo of a soldier posing with his BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle)

18 The type 03 machine gun was the first domestically manufactur ed Japanese machine guns

19 Many machine guns of the era used what is called a water-cooled system, which means that there is a metal pipe wrapped around the barrel that was filled with water to cool the barrel so the weapon could be fired continuously

20 Works Cited made-it/ gun?page=2

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