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How to do Business in Guatemala. Business Entities Anonymous societies with variable capital and physical persons could carry business.

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1 How to do Business in Guatemala

2 Business Entities Anonymous societies with variable capital and physical persons could carry business

3 Business Administration Accounting requirements: Every tax payer must register an accountant with the Tax Authority, books must be kept under IFRS for SMEs, as adopted in 2011. Auditing requirements: Audit report just for big companies, exporters and tax exempted companies Year end close December 31

4 Taxation (basis and rates – overview only) Corporate taxes31% over profit (quarterly) or 5% over sales (monthly) Personal taxes31% over profit ( quarterly) or 5% over sales (monthly) Capital Gains 10% LossesCould not be carried forward Withholding taxes6% Double tax treatiesNone VAT/Sales taxes12% paid monthly Social Security12.67% for employers and 4.83% for employees Federal v Provincial 9/1000 over property value

5 Investment Incentives Tax subsidiesIncome Tax exemption for 10 years, VAT exemption for importing goods and equipment directly related to business for companies qualified under Decree 29-89 Drawback Law and Decree 65-89 Free Zone Law Other incentives

6 Important Commercial Legal Aspects (eg) Exchange controls: There is free commerce in all currencies, currency exchange keeps very stable Q. 7.85 for US $ 1.00, many bank offers and credit access Major labour laws: Christmas Bonus 8.33%, paid in December, Bonus 14 8.33% paid in June, both are one salary for every year worked, 15 working days of vacation after a whole year working and severance only in the case of unjustified dismissal, which is a full month salary for every year worked. Minimum pay: $ 310.00 very qualified employees, good knowledge of English and responsibility level Political stability: Very stable democracy, support to foreign investment, respect to private property Economic stability: Very stable, economic growth, good communications and infrastructure, two ways of access to sea ports in Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, spring time most of the year only a dry season November-April and rainy season May-October

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