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Vocabulary List 2.

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1 Vocabulary List 2

2 Narrative Definition: a story or account of events, either true or fictitious Example: Write a narrative about the first time you met your best friend.

3 Foreshadow Definition: to show or reveal ahead of time
Example: His childhood obsession with video games foreshadowed his career as a web designer.

4 Flashback Definition: a scene in a story or movie that happened in the past (like a memory) Example: As she was sitting in class in October, she had a flashback to the first day of school.

5 Imagery Definition: visually descriptive or figurative language (words that help you to imagine or visualize) Example: The author uses imagery to paint a picture with words.

6 Figurative Definition: not literal
Example: The phrase “it’s raining cats and dogs” is a figurative way of saying that it’s raining really hard.

7 Engage Definition: to attract and keep someone’s attention
Example: The first sentence of your story should engage your reader.

8 Analyze Definition: to examine and study; to break into smaller parts
Example: Analyze the poem and discuss the use of descriptive words.

9 Formulate Definition: to develop or express something
Example: Listen to the argument and formulate a response.

10 Contrast Definition: to find differences between two or more things
Example: Today’s weather was sunny in contrast to yesterday’s rain.

11 Congruent Definition: identical; in agreement
Example: The two triangles are congruent.

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