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08/29/2006 Introduction INTRODUCTION Instructor: Petru S. Fodor Class webpage: PHYSICS 243H.

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Presentation on theme: "08/29/2006 Introduction INTRODUCTION Instructor: Petru S. Fodor Class webpage: PHYSICS 243H."— Presentation transcript:

1 08/29/2006 Introduction INTRODUCTION Instructor: Petru S. Fodor E-mail: Class webpage: PHYSICS 243H – University Physics I – Honors Session Fall 2006

2 08/29/2006 Introduction Contact information Instructor: Petru S. Fodor Office: Science Building SI 115 Phone: (216) 523 7520 E-mail (BEST WAY TO GET IN TOUCH WITH ME): Office hours: - Tuesday, Wendsday & Thursday 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. The best alternative is to send me an e-mail and set up an appointment. Lectures: Tuesday & Thursday 1:00 – 2:50 pm (Main Classroom MC 353)) Laboratories: Thursday 3:00 – 4:50 pm (Science Building SI 118) WebCT class webpage can be found at:

3 08/29/2006 Introduction Textbook “Fundamentals of Physics”, vol. 1 & 2, by D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker. - the homework problems will be assigned from the textbook.

4 08/29/2006 Introduction Important Dates  Tuesday, August 29 – First day of class.  Thursday, August 31 – First laboratory meeting.  Friday, September 8 –Last day to drop the class.  Thursday, September 21 – EXAM #1  Thursday, October 19 – EXAM #2  Friday, November 3 – Last day to withdraw.  Thursday, November 16 – EXAM #3  Thursday, November 23 – Thanksgiving recess  Thursday, December 7 – Last day of class.  Tuesday, December 12 – FINAL EXAM.

5 08/29/2006 Introduction What will you learn? The emphasis will be on developing problem solving skills and understanding the basic concepts and definitions used in the study and application of Mechanics and Thermal Physics. The main goal is to encourage independent thinking and logical reasoning.

6 08/29/2006 Introduction Topics to be covered Units and Vectors (Chapter 1, 3) Motion in one and two dimensions (Chapter 2, 4) Newton’s laws and their application (Chapter 5, 6) Work, kinetic and potential energy (Chapter 7, 8) Momentum conservation (Chapter 9) Rotational kinematics (Chapter 10) Angular momentum (Chapters 11) Oscillations and waves (Chapters 15, 16) Sound physics (Chapter 17) Basics of thermal physics (Chapters 18) If time permits: Equilibrium and gravity (Chapter 12, 13)

7 08/29/2006 Introduction Online resources WebCT Course Webpage : Homework assignments and solutions. After each lecture most of the lecture notes will be posted online. Practice exams and solutions Updated course calendar Announcements Extra – credit assignments. - Contact me if you have any problems accessing this website. Also please see the attachment A of your syllabus for instructions.

8 08/29/2006 Introduction

9 08/29/2006 Introduction Online resources (continued) Wiley textebook support site + eGrade Plus : The electronic copy of the full 7 th edition (you can read, download and print any of the material). The Student Companion study guide. The Student Solution Manual where some of the homework problems are worked out. Access to the online quiz system eGrade Plus. PLEASE SEE Attachment B in your syllabus for detailed information on how to get access to this website.  Contact me or Prof. J. Walker ( if you have problems accessing this website.

10 08/29/2006 Introduction Homework assignments There will be 14 homework assignments in this class. The homework assignments should be turned in every Tuesday (beginning with the second week) at the beginning of the class. Definitely no late acceptance of the homework assignments.

11 08/29/2006 Introduction Collaboration vs. copying It is in your best interest not to just copy your homework. There will be nobody to copy from at the exams. Having said that you are encouraged to collaborate as much as possible. Explaining to somebody something is the best way to understand it.

12 08/29/2006 Introduction Quizzes There will be 14 quizzes in this class. The quizzes are web-based. The quizzes will be made available every Tuesday, beginning with the second week and should be submitted by the beginning of the class on each following Thursday.

13 08/29/2006 Introduction Examinations There will be three midterms and a final exam - similar problems with the homework, quizzes and sample exams - NOT IDENTICAL!!!! Close book-exams. Feel free to bring a 8.5 x 11 inches sheet of paper with formulas. I will also supply you with all the formulas that you need (and some that you don’t) Final exam 2 hours. The three midterms 1 hour. - But very close WORD OF ADVICE – Show all the work. Even if you Do not get the right answer, you might still get credit if your solving technique is correct.

14 08/29/2006 Introduction Laboratories & Computer Projects You will attend a laboratory session every week in SI 118/SI 117/SI 147, where you will do an experiment and write a report. Part of the course is a set of 4 group computer projects. The group computer projects we will meet in room SI 118 on Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 14 and Dec. 4 during the course scheduled time (1:00 – 2:50 pm).

15 08/29/2006 Introduction 12 % 26 % 14 % 4 % 20 % Grading GRADE Exam # 1 Exam # 2 Exam # 3 Final Exam Homework & Quizzes (0.5% each) Computer Projects Laboratories TOTAL: 100 % 120 260 140 40 200 Max. No. of Points 1000 Grades: A (>900 points), B (>800 points), C (>700 points)

16 08/29/2006 Introduction Extra-credit Optional but highly recommended - Asses your progress in the class - Can only improve your grade in the class (get points that are used to boost your final grade). Sources: - Extra – assignments posted online. - Participation in the class (use Student Response System).

17 08/29/2006 Introduction Student response system (SRS) Rules of use Take your SRS at the beginning of the class. Please return remote after each class. Baker, Maria # 1 Gazic, Bozana # 2 Humenuik, Joseph # 3 Itomlenskis, Matthew #4 Kitsis, Viktor # 5 McKinney, Antoinne # 6 Pizzo, Jacob # 7 Uti, Anthony #8

18 08/29/2006 Introduction Student response system test What grade do you expect in this class? a)A b)B c)C d)D e)...

19 08/29/2006 Introduction Student response system test What is the unit for mass in the International System (SI) of units? a)pound b)gram c)ounce d)kilogram e)candela

20 08/29/2006 Introduction So is it going to be hard? Not really – mechanics in particular is a very visual science. Need to be familiar with basic calculus.

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