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Welcome! Oaklawn Language Academy 2015-2016 Mr. Baños First Grade Spanish, Social Studies and Math Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Oaklawn Language Academy 2015-2016 Mr. Baños First Grade Spanish, Social Studies and Math Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Oaklawn Language Academy 2015-2016 Mr. Baños First Grade Spanish, Social Studies and Math Teacher

2 Santiago Baños-Cruz  I am from Puerto Rico.  This is my 8 th year in Oaklawn Language Academy.  I have a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education  I am Married

3 Santiago Baños-Cruz  My wife is from Ecuador.  My son is 24 years.  I like Baseball, Basketball, Football(NFL) and Boxing.

4 Thought Effort affects learning outcomes at least as much as intellectual ability.

5 Thoughts The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. William Arthur Ward

6 I hope to make your child’s experience at school a positive one. Your cooperation is needed to make this year a success. I feel that we can do a better job if we work closely with the home in assisting each child. I know that you are concerned about your child’s well being and want him (her) to experience a happy a successful school year. The development of our students into responsible, well- behaved citizen is one of the primary goals of Oaklawn Language Academy. I believe students can form excellent citizenship habits by accepting responsibility for their behavior. When the students decide to make inappropriate choices, the consequences will be firm, fair and consistent. I believe the development of excellent citizenship is a shared responsibility, one belonging to staff, students and parents.

7 Morning Procedures  Arrive, unpack, and place belongings in specified area. Take out their agenda.  Go to assigned seat, where name tags and morning work materials will be placed.  Complete morning assignment.  Centers will be open for early finishers.

8 Breakfast policy  Breakfast is available to all children. Some children are eligible for free or reduced-price breakfast. Other choose to buy breakfast at school. Breakfast students will go directly to the cafeteria between 8:45 AM and 9:15 AM, or upon bus arrival.

9 Grading The grading scale for grade 1 is as follows:  1= Does not meet expectations  2= Inconsistently meets expectations  3= Consistently meets expectations Parents will be informed of their child’s progress every 3.5 weeks via progress report. Work samples will be sent home weekly.

10 The Home School Connection: Communication  I will send a class newsletter home each month to inform parents about curriculum and events.  An agenda book will come home for you to review, sign and return daily.  Please contact me at anytime via email.

11 Classwork Policy Work ethic is a reflection of character. It is equally as important as ability.  Students are expected to complete and turn in class work daily.  Failure to complete and turn in assignments on a consistent basis will negatively affect your child’s overall grade.  You will be notified via your child’s agenda book, email, and/or phone call if your child fails to turn in work.  Students will be rewarded for demonstrating responsibility.

12 Homework Policy  It is your child’s responsibility to turn in homework.  Homework is assigned Monday- Thursday of each week.  Failure to turn in homework will negatively affect your child’s final grade.  You will be notified if your child fails to turn in homework.

13 Attendance Policy  The building is open for students each day at 8:45.  Students are tardy after 9:15, and must report to the office for a pass to class.  Make-up work will be given when students have excused absences.  Please ensure that your child is absent only when necessary to avoid a decline in school achievement.

14 Behavior Management Plan Classroom Rules:  Raise your hand when you want to speak.  Walk at all times when inside the building.  Keep hands, feet and all objects to yourself.  Do not take matters into your own hands. Consequences:  Warning  In-class time-out (5-10 minutes)  Out of class time out(10-15 minutes)  Parents Contacted  Referral is written up on students and sent to the office.

15 Success Is The Only Option:  Differentiated Centers- students are allowed to do independent work using activities designed for their level of understanding.  Small Group Instruction- during independent work time, I and the assistant teacher will work with small groups for more intensive focus.

16 Contact Information E-mail: School Telephone: (980) 343-0400

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