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Topic 5 – Pollution Management Topic 5.1 – Nature of Pollution.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic 5 – Pollution Management Topic 5.1 – Nature of Pollution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic 5 – Pollution Management Topic 5.1 – Nature of Pollution

2 Pollution The contamination of the Earth and atmosphere to such an extent that normal environmental processes are adversely affected. Can be natural/human caused Can be deliberate/accidental


4 Pollution Can be matter (solid, liquid, gas) or energy (noise, light, heat)

5 Major Pollution Sources: Combustion of Fossil Fuels Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse gas Sulfur Dioxide Acid deposition (tree/fish death) Photochemical Smog Respiratory problems Carbon Monoxide Binds hemoglobin, can cause death

6 Major Pollution Sources: Domestic Waste Organic Waste (food/sewage) Eutrophication Fills landfills Waste Paper/Plastics/Glass/Me tals Fills landfills Reduces natural resources Energy used to produce causes pollution

7 Major Pollution Sources: Industrial Waste Heavy Metals Poisoning Fluorides Poisoning Heat Reduces dissolved oxygen Lead Disabilities in children Acids Corrosive

8 Major Pollution Sources: Agricultural Waste Nitrates Eutrophication Organic Waste Eutrophication Pesticides Accumulate up food chains

9 Point Source Pollution Pollution released from a single, identifiable source. Examples: A factory smokestack or exhaust pipe A sewage pipe A specific incident A very bright light

10 Non-point Source Pollution Release of pollutants from dispersed origins Examples: Agricultural runoff Vehicle exhaust Urban runoff

11 Topic 5 – Pollution Management Topic 5.2 – Detection and Monitoring of Pollution

12 Pollution Monitoring Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) A measure of the amount of oxygen required by micro- organisms to break down the organic material in water Source of PollutantBOD (mg DO) Unpolluted River0-5 Treated Sewage20-60 Raw Sewage350 Cattle Manure10,000 Paper Pulp Mill25,000

13 Pollution Monitoring Indicator Species Organisms that show something about the environment by their presence, absence, or abundance.

14 Topic 5 – Pollution Management Topic 5.3 – Approaches to Pollution Management

15 Pollution Management Srategies Replace-Regulate-Restore

16 Pollution Management Strategies Replace Develop alternate technologies Adopt alternate lifestyles

17 Pollution Management Strategies Regulate Setting and imposing standards Introducing measures for extracting the pollutant from waste

18 Pollution Management Strategies Restore Extracting and removing pollutant from ecosystem Replanting and restocking with plant/animal populations

19 Topic 5 – Pollution Management Topic 5.4 - Eutrophication

20 Eutrophication The addition of excess nutrients to a water ecosystem, causing algae to bloom Usually nitrates and phosphates Detergents Fertilizers Livestock drainage Sewage

21 Eutrophication Process 1. Fertilizers wash into lake 2. Algae bloom, light to plants decreases, plants die 3. More algae=more zooplankton=more small fish 4. Algae die and are decomposed by bacteria, oxygen level goes down, everything dies 5. Turbidity increases

22 Eutrophication Management Replace Stop/change fertilizers/waste Plant buffer zones Regulate Limit pollutants Restore Pump air through lake Dredge lake bottom Remove algae physically or by algicides Reintroduce species

23 Topic 5 – Pollution Management Topic 5.5 – Solid Domestic Waste

24 Types of Solid Domestic Waste Garden Waste/Kitchen Waste Glass, wood, metal, plastics Paper Textiles Diapers

25 Solutions to Waste Landfill Compost Recycle (or Reuse) Incineration

26 Topic 5 – Pollution Management Topic 5.6 – Depletion of Stratospheric Ozone

27 Atmosphere Structure Main Components: Nitrogen (78%) Oxygen (20%) Argon (1%) CO 2 (.038%) Temperature and pressure vary with altitude

28 Ozone Layer Ozone (O 3 ) is more concentrated in the low stratosphere (12-20mi) O 3 absorbs UV radiation in a process that converts O 2 to O 3 and back

29 UV Radiation (UV-B) Causes eye damage, cataracts, sunburn, and skin cancer in humans (and some animals) Can damage plants and phytoplankton

30 Ozone Depleting Substances CFCs Refrigerants 1987 Montreal Protocol called for a sharp reduction in CFCs and other Ozone Depleting Substances

31 Topic 5 – Pollution Management Topic 5.7 –Urban Air Pollution

32 Tropospheric Ozone Ozone is a pollutant in the troposphere and causes eye/lung problems Pollution from burning fossil fuels can react with sunlight to form ozone (O 3 ) NO x Hydrocarbons VOCs

33 Photochemical Smog VOCs, Hydrocarbons, Nitrogen Oxides react to form ozone and brown gas. Happens primarily in warm dry places, can by compounded by surrounding mountains

34 Topic 5 – Pollution Management Topic 5.8 –Acid Deposition

35 Emissions Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides are emitted from industry, vehicles, urban areas, livestock, and natural causes They fall to the ground as dry deposition or wet deposition

36 Wet Deposition (Acid Rain) SO 2 and No x form H 2 SO 4 and HNO 3 in the atmosphere and fall to the ground as precipitation

37 Effects of Acid Rain Acidified Lakes Acidified Soil Release of heavy metals Trees and forests

38 Management of Acid Rain Prevention/Reduction of pollution Soil/Water conditioners

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