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Bones and Muscles First grade Miss Marichel Robinson Science teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Bones and Muscles First grade Miss Marichel Robinson Science teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bones and Muscles First grade Miss Marichel Robinson Science teacher

2 The skeleton The skeleton is a rigid framework of bones, which provides an anchor for the muscles, supports the skin and other organs, ans protects vital organs.

3 Bones A baby’s skeleton has 300 bones or more, but some of these fuse (join) together as the baby grows older. An adult skeleton has 206 bones joined together by rubbery cartilage.

4 Five important bones or collection of bones to learn… skull rib cage spine pelvis femur

5 The skull The skull is a hard bone that protects the brain.

6 The rib cage The rib cage are thin, flattish bones that curve around your chest. The rib cage protects vital organs such as heart and lungs. heart lungs

7 The Spine The spine, also known as the vertebral column or spinal column, is a column of 26 bones in an adult body.

8 The Pelvis The Pelvis is a bony structure near the base of the spine to which the legs are attached.

9 The femur femur The femur is the biggest and longest bone in our body. They are located in our legs.

10 Our Muscles Muscles help us move. Some muscles move on their our. 1. The brain sends messages to the muscle to let it know it’s time for work. 2. Muscles contract 3. Pulls bones attached to them.

11 The muscular system is important to me, because it allows me to do many things. It allows me to play volleyball, soccer, basketball, or any sport. It allows me to walk and run. Without the muscular system I wouldn’t be able to do many things I enjoy. You wouldn’t be able to walk up and play with your friends.

12 Let’s always keep our bones and muscles healthy eating fish, drinking milk and walking under the sunlight! The end!

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