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Building Reflective / Evaluative Capacity in Pupils Curricular Evening Thursday 12 th November 2015.

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1 Building Reflective / Evaluative Capacity in Pupils Curricular Evening Thursday 12 th November 2015


3 Aims of Workshop  To share our understanding of the importance of learner dialogue.  To consider how we can support our pupils to develop reflective thinking and talking skills.  To consider how reflective dialogue can support the reporting process.

4 Why is Reflective Dialogue important?  During learning activities, staff discuss regularly with learners their progress and achievements. This helps young people to gain self ‑ awareness and skills, and to increase [their] independence.

5 Learner dialogue supports:  children’s understanding of their own learning  on-going assessment  the profiling process  monitoring and tracking of progress and achievement

6 Who is involved in dialogue with the learner? Practitioners (known adult) parents peers Support staff the learner Partners

7 Involving the Learners  It is important to plan the learning with the learners.  Learners need to develop the language of learning in order to take increasing responsibility for their learning.  When learners understand their learning they are able to support the monitoring and tracking of their progress within the classroom.  Their understanding of their learning supports (and is supported by) a meaningful profiling process.  Achieving the above requires practitioners to scaffold the appropriate skills for learners.

8 Skills/ Techniques  questioning  speculating  listening  deferring judgements  prompting  challenging  affirming  encouraging



11 Consider this… Imagine if your child held their own parent interview.  What would they say about themselves?  Do they have the skills to talk about themselves?  Do we have all the necessary skills to talk about them as learners?

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