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李國光  版權所有 Tel: 02-2737-6782 知識與遠見的結合,才能夠避免無知與短視 --- 高希均 1 Trends in the evolution of business IS/IT Flexible/

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1 李國光  版權所有 Tel: 02-2737-6782 Email: 知識與遠見的結合,才能夠避免無知與短視 --- 高希均 1 Trends in the evolution of business IS/IT Flexible/ strategic ? (external) Accommodating/ control Regimented/ operational (internal) Characteristics of systems Enabling the business – business driven Supporting the business (manager) – user driven Reducing costs (especially administrative) – technology driven Reason for using the technology Relate to business strategy ? Support business user’s needs (information management) Technical issues (programming/ project management) Issues in systems development Available and supportive to users Regulated by management services Remote from users controlled by DP Nature of operations ‘Networks’ integrated people/vision limitation) ‘Distributed process’ interconnected software limitation ‘Computers’ fragmented (hardware limitation Nature of the technology SISMISDP ‘Era’ Aspects

2 李國光  版權所有 Tel: 02-2737-6782 Email: 知識與遠見的結合,才能夠避免無知與短視 --- 高希均 2 The business / systems portfolio matrix STRATEGIC (STARTS)TURNAROUND(?) Continuous innovation Vertical integration High value added Process R&D Minimal integration Cost control Defensive innovation Effective resource High quality Disinvest rationalise Efficiency Sustained quality FACTORY( CASH COWS )SUPPORT(DOG)

3 李國光  版權所有 Tel: 02-2737-6782 Email: 知識與遠見的結合,才能夠避免無知與短視 --- 高希均 3 Mapping the evolution of ISP on the application portfolio model STRATEGICHIGH POTENTIAL FACTORYSUPPORT Stage 5Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2Stage 1 資料來源: M. J. Earl (1989)

4 李國光  版權所有 Tel: 02-2737-6782 Email: 知識與遠見的結合,才能夠避免無知與短視 --- 高希均 4 Five-stage ISP model Five-stage ISP model Multiple method at same time Entre- preneurial (user innovation) Balanced top down and bottom-up Top down analysis Bottom-up development Coalition of users/ management and IS Executives/ senior management and Users Users and IS together Senior management initiative DP/IS led Integrating IS and business strategies Pursuing opportunities Balancing the portfolio Agreeing priorities Management under- standing Linkage to business strategy Strategic/ competitive advantage Detailed IS planning Defining business needs IS/IT application mapping 54321 資料來源: M. J. Earl (1989) MAIN TASK KEY OBJECTIVE DIRECTION FROM MAIN APPROACH Increasing organisational maturity with respect to IS/IT planning

5 李國光  版權所有 Tel: 02-2737-6782 Email: 知識與遠見的結合,才能夠避免無知與短視 --- 高希均 5 Critical issues in managing segments of the portfolio Future risk Existing risk Integration of application with particular/unique business needs to achieve maximum advantage Identifying the best way of obtaining the business benefits of applications Integration of related applications and information resources to satisfy all business needs in most effective way Obtaining, organizing and using information in the most effective way Business risk Financial risk STRATEGIC Known riskFACTORYSUPPORTLow risk High riskHIGH POTENTIAL Very high risk

6 李國光  版權所有 Tel: 02-2737-6782 Email: 知識與遠見的結合,才能夠避免無知與短視 --- 高希均 6 The application portfolio – Management style STRATEGIC HIGH POTENTIAL ( TURNAROUND ) Developer organization goal seeker risk accommodating ‘ Central Planner ‘ Entrepreneur personal achiever risk taking ‘ Free Marketer ’ Controller long term/quality solution risk reducing ‘ Monopolist ‘ Caretaker immediate/efficient solution risk avoiding ‘ Scare Resourcer ‘ FACTORYSUPPORT

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