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Essential Education For a Changing World.  Are we preparing our students for the 21 st Century  Why and how schools must overhaul the K–12 curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Education For a Changing World.  Are we preparing our students for the 21 st Century  Why and how schools must overhaul the K–12 curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Education For a Changing World

2  Are we preparing our students for the 21 st Century  Why and how schools must overhaul the K–12 curriculum  What are we doing in our schools?

3 Upgrading the Curriculum Upgrading the Content New School Versions

4  Identify existing resources Hardware Computers Digital Cameras Projectors Smartboards Webcams Video Cameras Cell Phones Scanners Software Osapac Titles Office MovieMaker Photoshop PhotoStory Frames** Comic Life** Dreamweaver Flash WebTools Sakai VoiceThread Blogs Wikis Bitstrips Gizmos Go-Animate

5 Identify ‘Assessment Types’ -product or performance to demonstrate student learning Research Poster Speeches Reading Responses Opinion Piece Portfolio

6 What types of products do contemporary professionals use?  Update the 3 R’s with the 4 C’s: Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Communication Collaboration Web PagePodcastsDocumentary Blog Quarterly Report **What other contemporary ‘assessments’ have you had success with?** Kathryn Murray, Kathryn Murray, Deb Pearson Teresa Beggs

7 Share assessment replacements Commit to updating assessments regularly Take the 21 st Century Pledge (page 22)

8  What content :  should be kept?  should be cut?  should be created?  “The thoughtful review of curriculum maps to actively replace and upgrade content is essential to learning.”

9  Sample curriculum maps: Grade 3 Multiplication Grade 5 Simple Machines Grade 5 Rocks and Minerals

10  Global perspective  Relevant connections  Whole child  Future career and work options  Real-world practice  Use of technology and media expand content  Complexity is age-appropriate 

11  Choose one discipline  Brainstorm how you can upgrade the content of what you teach.  Dawn - Science Videos  Derek - Blog Derek - Blog

12  Schedule  Grouping Patterns of Learners  Grouping Patterns of Instructors  Space  ***Brenda*** MarciaMarcia


14  Social Production  Social Networks  The Semantic Web  Media Grids  Non-linear learning


16 Shift in global economies

17  Trends in: Science and Technology Demographics Security and Citizenship Education  Global Learning Knowledge of other countries Skills to communicate Values of respect Terri

18  Mabry Middle School Great students Academically inclined Motivated to do well  How do you get them authentically engaged? How do you get them authentically engaged? Karen Bratina Brian Montross

19  Students know how to use digital tools  Limited training in how to analyze or evaluate media messages  Media Literacy needs to be integrated throughout the curriculum.  History of Media Literacy  Suggestions for subject-specific Integration

20 Laurie Nicol Norah MorrisonNorah Morrison


22 Kirsten

23 Mike Caroline RandiLee

24  “A-hah” moment:  -projected digitial pictures of class work

25 Authentic Audience Authentic Work Collaboration and Discussion

26  Habits of Mind Habits of Mind  Curriculum Mind Shifts: 1. From know right answers to knowing how to behave when we don’t know the answer 2. From transmitting meaning to constructing meaning 3. From external evaluation to self-assessment

27  An Open Letter to Educators – Dan Brown An Open Letter to Educators – Dan Brown Laptop teachers have made great gains in using technology to teach 21 st century skills Spread the excitement Expand your 21 st century pledge to other classes

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