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Confidential and Proprietary © 2012 Achieve3000 and its licensors. All rights reserved. Ouchi Achieve 3000 Lexile Level Set Diagnostic August 18 th & 19.

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Presentation on theme: "Confidential and Proprietary © 2012 Achieve3000 and its licensors. All rights reserved. Ouchi Achieve 3000 Lexile Level Set Diagnostic August 18 th & 19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confidential and Proprietary © 2012 Achieve3000 and its licensors. All rights reserved. Ouchi Achieve 3000 Lexile Level Set Diagnostic August 18 th & 19 th

2 Takeout a sheet of paper, and take two minutes to write down the following questions: 1.What is the Level Set test? 2.Why is it important? 3.Is the test timed? 4.How many times will you take the Level Set test this year? Once you have finished watching the video please answer the above questions. Do Now 2

3 Video LInk Directions Press the link or press play on your computer Select Teenbiz3000 Version English Once the video is over please answer the four questions from the previous slide. 3

4 Review your answers as a class. 1. A lexile framework that measures text difficulty and reader ability on a scale. 2 Provides students with valuable data on whether or not they are reading and understanding text at the appropriate grade level. 3. No, but it shouldn’t take any longer then 1 hour 4. Three times Lets Review Answers 4

5 Students demonstrated a mean gain of 52.4 lexile points Between October and May, students completed 27,694 vocabulary questions and demonstrated an average of 26.4 point gain on the vocabulary component. Last year students spent a total of 5,999 hours on Achieve 3000. From November to May, students completed a total of 14,719 sessions. This year our goal is to have a mean goal of 80 points. GO OUCHI!!! Last Years School-Wide Achieve3000 Data 5

6 Incentives We will be tracking your work and progress in advisory. We will celebrate your Lexile Level increase and growth, through celebrations, awards, rewards, and prizes. Get Smart - Si Se Puede! 6

7 Testing will take place for all Alliance Students: Monday, August 18 th and Tuesday, August 19 th At Ouchi, you will be assessed in the following classes: 9 th grade- Mr. Melgar/Ms. Aguilar 10 th grade- Ms. Thompson 11 th grade- Mr. Watson 12 th grade- Ms. Dester Students will be provided with their username and passwords prior to the administration of the exam. Initial Test Date 7

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