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HQVET High Quality of Vocational Education and Training - European best methods for improving VET system Meetings, Tasks and Responsibilities This project.

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Presentation on theme: "HQVET High Quality of Vocational Education and Training - European best methods for improving VET system Meetings, Tasks and Responsibilities This project."— Presentation transcript:

1 HQVET High Quality of Vocational Education and Training - European best methods for improving VET system Meetings, Tasks and Responsibilities This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 4rd transnational meeting Bergamo, Italy 15th – 16th July 2015

2 Topics for today 1. Open Day 2.Interim report about the project achievements 3.Discussion about the web-page 4.Regional Research and Needs Analysis Report 5.Plans (5th transnational meeting in Hungary), Conclusions, Discussion, Closure Erasmus+ KA 2 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

3 Open Day (national event in Slovakia) Date: 03.Jun 2015 Place: Hotel Therma, Dunajská Streda 40 students (who attended the regional research) Erasmus+ KA 2 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training



6 Interim report Deadline: 30. September 2015 Demonstration: as a partnership, we have spent at least 70% of the previous pre-financing payment received from the NA = request for the next pre-financing payment. Interim Report Form – Call 2014 – Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices Erasmus+ KA 2 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

7 The most important documents for NA audit and control Documents from transnational meetings and additional activities: Program/Agenda Minutes Questionnaire of satisfaction Important aspects: -relevance, -legitimacy, -quality, -project logo, Erasmus+ logo, -place and time of the meeting. EAC (Erasmus+/ Creative Europe) - Dissemination Platform VALOR is the electronic platform for the dissemination and exploitation of results of projects. Erasmus+ KA 2 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

8 Web page - Preamble - About the project - Contacts - Documents: presentations, questionnaires, products: Leaflet, DVD, Brochure – EN, SK, HU, IT Erasmus+ KA 2 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

9 Plans 5th Hungarian transnational meeting (September 2015) -Preparations -Suggestions for the summary research work at international level -Elaboration of the Educational Module -Actualization of the web-page -Proposal for brochure (content, size, graphic design) Conclusions, Discussion, Closure -Partnership Agreement -Financial tables of partners Erasmus+ KA 2 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

10 1. Presentation of Regional results (July 2015) Italy Involved partners: SK, HU, IT - Destination country: Italy Creation of Regional Research and Needs Analysis Report Interim report about the project achievements 2. Suggestions for the summary research work at international level (September 2015) Hungary Involved partners: SK, HU, IT - Destination country: Hungary Elaboration of the Educational module Actualization of the web-page Proposal for the brochure (content, size, graphic design) 3. Presentation and Finalization of the summary research work (January 2016) Italy Involved partners: SK, HU, IT, AT - Destination country: Italy Creation of International Research and Needs Analysis Report Actualization of the brochure Finalization of the Educational Module - Proposal for improving skills and competencies of young people Erasmus+ KA 2 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Project meetings and activities

11 4. Educational Module (studies, analyses) (March 2016) Involved partners: SK, HU, IT (National event in all the countries) Presentation in vocational school – providing feedback for vocational school students after evaluation of the international research, according to International Research and Needs Analysis Report - feedback - 5h Lesson. 5. Conclusions and recommendations (April 2016) Italy Involved partners: SK, HU, IT - Destination country: Italy Evaluation of the Lesson at vocational school Finalization of the products (information brochure and DVD about the project) Preparation for the final conference 6. Final conference (Jun 2016) Involved partners: SK, HU, IT Slovakia Destination country: Slovakia Erasmus+ KA 2 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

12 Responsibilities of partners: 1. Partner no. 1 (SK) - coordinator - organization of the kick-off meeting, and the final conference - organization of the Open Day at employer´s company - web page creation and responsibility for its further maintenance and updating - monitoring and controlling of the tasks 2. Partner no. 2 (HU) - work out the final version of the questionnaire for vocational school students for implementation of regional research in all partners´ regions - work out the final version of the brochure - quality assurance – based on internal feedback process within the partnership 3. Partner no. 3 (IT) - creation of the final version of the project Logo - elaboration of the final version of the leaflet - elaboration of the International Research and Needs Analysis Report according to regional results of partners’ institution, finalization of conclusions and recommendations - for the target group Erasmus+ KA 2 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

13 Thank you for your attention! Mgr. Tímea Feledi ÚPSVR Dunajská Streda, Slovakia and the project team. Erasmus+ KA 2 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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