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Today is Monday, September 21, 2015 Third period books.  You will need your: ◦ Writing utensil ◦ Planner and ◦ Language Arts journal ◦ SpringBoard book.

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Presentation on theme: "Today is Monday, September 21, 2015 Third period books.  You will need your: ◦ Writing utensil ◦ Planner and ◦ Language Arts journal ◦ SpringBoard book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today is Monday, September 21, 2015 Third period books.  You will need your: ◦ Writing utensil ◦ Planner and ◦ Language Arts journal ◦ SpringBoard book Announcements: Who was absent? Check the box. Picture day is tomorrow. There will be no advisory tomorrow. Seating chart adjustments? Syllabus AVID

2 worddefinitionDrawing paraphraseTo restate in one’s own words summarize

3  Is an outline of the topics of the course of a class.  Let’s read through it together.  Take it home and explain it to your parents.  Have them fill out the bottom portion of the last page.  Bring it back to me for a grade. ◦ A comes in tomorrow. ◦ B comes in Wednesday. ◦ C comes in Thursday. ◦ D comes in Friday or after

4  AVID helps students reach their goal of going to college or trade school.  Fact. 95% of AVID middle school students graduate from college. That’s impressive.  AVID stands for A dvancement V ia I ndividual D etermination. What do those words mean? ◦ Success through my own  You decide to enroll in AVID and to do the work necessary to go to a college or trade school.

5  If your grades aren’t the best and you need help with study and organizational skills, then this is the class for you.  You must have good behavior and attendance to be recommended by a teacher.  You must be willing to work hard and study at least one hour every night.

6  In the AVID classes students will: ◦ host guest speakers who will share their success with you; ◦ participate in fundraisers and activities to support to support their school and community; ◦ Celebrate and recognize academic success; ◦ Attend tutorials where adults from the community help students with challenging classwork; ◦ Take field trips to local colleges and trade schools to meet college students and professors; ◦ Take field trips to local business to learn how a good education can lead to a good career.  Who is interested?

7 Please write this learning target in your planner: Learning Target  I will identify and analyze the skills and knowledge needed to complete Embedded Assessment 1 (paper) successfully. Practice Activities  I will unpack the expectations of the first paper we will write. Success Criteria  I will have created a rubric checklist for my first paper.

8  Turn to page 4.  We will read Unpacking Embedded Assessment 1.  What does that mean?  In the my notes section paraphrase the assignment.

9  We are going to look at the things we will be graded on and paraphrase them in a new list. 1. Take out a clean sheet of 3-hole-punched notebook paper. 2. Turn to page 46. 3. Look at the left hand column. (3 Categories) 4. Look at the top row. (grades - write them in) 5. Under exceeding we are paraphrase each of the eight bullet points.

10  Take the sheet of notebook paper and put a heading on the top left.  First and last name  Teacher’s name  Class and period  Date (day, month, year)

11  Then draw a chart that looks like this: What skills I have to show. What has to be in the paper.1 st check 2 nd check 1. 2

12 Learning Target  I identified and analyzed the skills and knowledge needed to complete Embedded Assessment 1 (paper) successfully. Homework None Exit Task  On a half sheet of paper write two things: ◦ one skill you are good at ◦ One skill that will be challenging.

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