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Data BaseCompareVerifyDrivers EDGARv4 UNFCCC EMEP GAINS REAS MICS-Asia PKU VULCAN TNO-MACC EPRTR HTAP_V2 Econo- metrics Decom- position Inverse modeling.

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Presentation on theme: "Data BaseCompareVerifyDrivers EDGARv4 UNFCCC EMEP GAINS REAS MICS-Asia PKU VULCAN TNO-MACC EPRTR HTAP_V2 Econo- metrics Decom- position Inverse modeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data BaseCompareVerifyDrivers EDGARv4 UNFCCC EMEP GAINS REAS MICS-Asia PKU VULCAN TNO-MACC EPRTR HTAP_V2 Econo- metrics Decom- position Inverse modeling Concentrations Econometrics Decomposition JRC EOLO platform Technology-based calculations EDGARv4.3=ADxEFHTAP_v2.2 =Σgridmaps Collection of official gridmaps Consistent bottom-up global database -international energy and agriculture statistics over time (1970-2010) -GHGs, gas and aerosol pollutants -EF following EMEP/Corinair guidelines -adequate proxies to grid emissions Harmonised global MOSAIC of official estimates of air pollutant gridmaps (US EPA, EMEP-TNO, MICS Asia, EDGAR) -detailed local estimates -high spatial accuracy: fine resolution, regional proxy data and point sources Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research

2 Emission inventories: HTAP_v2.2

3 Global total emissions breakdown per region and per sector

4 Emission inventories: HTAP_v2.2


6 LIC=low income, LMC=lower middle income, UMC=upper middle income, HIC= higher income

7 Emission inventories: HTAP_v2.2

8 HTAP_v2.2 vs EDGARv4.3 H E H E H E H E H E H E H E H E 8 Emission inventories: Comparison Tg SO 2 Year 2010 General good agreement with some differences at sector level H =HTAP_v2_2010 E =EDGARv4.3 2010 H =HTAP_v2_2010 E =EDGARv4.3 2010

9 9 Concluding remarks Analysis of EU policy with air quality scenarios 1970/2010: Crippa et al., ACPD 2015 EDGARv4.3 Consistent bottom-up global database Advantages: -international energy and agriculture statistics over time (1970-2010) -GHGs, gas and aerosol pollutants -EF following EMEP/Corinair guidelines -adequate proxies to grid emissions Disadvantages: - Less accuracy on local information (e.g. point sources for some countries) Input for GLOBAL MODELS (also using GHGs) HTAP_v2.2 Harmonised global MOSAIC of official estimates of air pollutant gridmaps Advantages: - detailed local emission estimates (national inventories) - higher spatial accuracy: correct location of point sources and use of regional proxy data Disadvantages: lower consistency -no harmonised proxy datasets -use of different EF, AD, region specific proxies -no conclusions on drivers Input for REGIONAL MODELS HTAP_v2.2 gridmaps of air pollutant emissions: Janssens-Maenhout et al., ACP 2015

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