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Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-1 Chapter 7 Currency Options & Options Markets 7.1What is an Option? 7.2Option.

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Presentation on theme: "Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-1 Chapter 7 Currency Options & Options Markets 7.1What is an Option? 7.2Option."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-1 Chapter 7 Currency Options & Options Markets 7.1What is an Option? 7.2Option Payoff Profiles 7.3Profit and Loss on Currency Options 7.4At-the-Money Options 7.5The Determinants of Currency Option Values 7.6Combinations of Options 7.7Hedging with Currency Options 7.8Exchange Rate Volatility Revisited (Advanced) 7.9Summary Appendix 7-A Currency Option Valuation

2 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-2 A forward obligation  A £1 million obligation due in four months Underlying transaction Currency exposure -£1,000,000  V $/£  S $/£

3 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-3 A forward hedge  Buy £1 million in the forward market at the forward price F 1 $/£ = $1.45/£ Long pound forward Exposure of forward contract +£1,000,000  V $/£  S $/£ -$1,450,000

4 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-4 An option hedge  A currency option is like one-half of a forward contract - the option holder gains if pound sterling rises - the option holder does not lose if pound sterling falls Long pound call (option to buy pound sterling)  S $/£  V $/£

5 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-5 CME pound Dec 1450 call (American)  Type of option: a call option to buy pounds  Underlying asset: CME December pound sterling futures contract  Contract size: £62,500  Expiration date: 3rd week of December  Exercise price: $1.45/£  Rule for exercise: an American option exercisable anytime until expiration

6 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-6 Currency option quotations British pound (CME) £62,500; cents per pound StrikeCalls-SettlePuts-Settle PriceOctNovDec OctNovDec 14302.38....2.780.390.610.80 14401.681.942.150.680.941.16 14501.121.391.611.121.391.61 14600.690.951.171.691.942.16 14700.400.620.822.39....2.80 Note: S 0 $/£ = $1.45/£

7 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-7 Payoff profile of a pound call at expiration

8 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-8 Profit (loss) on a call option at expiration Option premium Call t $/£ = $0.40/£ FX rate at expiration$1.45/£$1.69/£$1.93/£ Premium (cost)-$25,000-$25,000-$25,000 Exercise price$0-$90,625-$90,625 Spot £ sale$0$105,625$120,625 Net profit -$25,000-$10,000 +$5,000

9 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-9 Payoff profile of a call option at expiration Long call S T $/£ Call T $/£ Short call S T $/£ -Call T $/£ K T $/£ In-the- money Out-of- the- money Out-of- the- money In-the- money

10 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-10 Payoff profile of a put option at expiration Long put S T $/£ Put T $/£ Short put S T $/£ -Put T $/£ K T $/£ In-the- money Out-of-the- money Out-of-the- money In-the- money

11 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-11 Puts and calls An option to buy pounds at K T $/£  S T $/£  Call T $/£ An option to sell dollars at K T £/$  S T £/$  Put T £/$

12 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-12 Forwards, puts, and calls  S T $/£  Call T $/£  A combination of a long call and a short put at the same exercise price and with the same expiration date results in a long forward position at that forward price  F T $/£ -  Put T $/£  S T $/£ Long callShort putLong forward +=

13 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-13 Put-call parity: Call T d/f  Put T d/f + K d/f = F T d/f S T $/£ Call T $/£ K T $/£ -Put T $/£ S T $/£ Long callShort put Long forward + = + F T $/£ S T $/£ Exercise price K T $/£

14 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-14 The time value of an option  Time value = Option value - intrinsic value - Intrinsic value = value if exercised immediately  The time value of a currency option is a function of the following six determinants - Exchange rate underlying the option - Exercise price or striking price - Riskless rate of interest i d in currency d - Riskless rate of interest i f in currency f - Volatility in the underlying exchange rate - Time to expiration

15 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-15 Time value and volatility

16 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-16 Time value and volatility

17 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-17 The interaction of time and variance  If instantaneous changes are a random walk, then T-period variance is T times one-period variance  T 2 = T  2 where  2 = 1-period variance  T 2 = T-period variance  Estimation of exchange rate volatility - Historical volatility - Implied volatility

18 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-18 Advanced: Pricing currency options  Suppose the Australian-per-US dollar spot rate A$2.4/$ bifurcates by a continuously compounded ±4 percent per period for 4 periods  4 successive bifurcations result in 2 4 = 16 price paths  Value after 1 period is P 1 = P 0 e ±0.04  (A$2.4/$)e -0.04 = A$2.306/$  (A$2.4/$)e +0.04 = A$2.498/$ each with 50 percent probability

19 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-19 ±4 percent for 4 periods

20 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-20 2 4 = 16 possible price paths n =1234 1 14 13 126 13 14 1 2 n =24816

21 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-21 End-of-period distribution for n = 4 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 2.8162.6002.4002.2152.045

22 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-22 More frequent compounding…  Suppose we apply the binomial model with 1% per period for 16 periods  This results in 2 16 = 65,536 price paths and (n+1) = 17 possible prices

23 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-23 ±1 percent for 16 periods

24 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-24 End-of-period distribution for n = 16 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 2.0452.1292.2152.3062.4002.4982.6002.7062.816

25 Kirt C. Butler, Multinational Finance, South-Western College Publishing, 3e 7-25 The Binomial and B-S OPMs  As the binomial process generating up and down movements bifurcates over shorter and shorter intervals - the binomial distribution approaches the normal distribution - continuous-time pricing methods (e.g., the Black-Scholes OPM) can be used

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