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Precision Charmed Meson Spectroscopy and Decay Constants from Chiral Fermions Overlap Fermion on 2+1 flavor Domain Wall Fermion Configurations Overlap.

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Presentation on theme: "Precision Charmed Meson Spectroscopy and Decay Constants from Chiral Fermions Overlap Fermion on 2+1 flavor Domain Wall Fermion Configurations Overlap."— Presentation transcript:

1 Precision Charmed Meson Spectroscopy and Decay Constants from Chiral Fermions Overlap Fermion on 2+1 flavor Domain Wall Fermion Configurations Overlap Fermion on 2+1 flavor Domain Wall Fermion Configurations Charmonium and Charmed-strange Meson Spectrum and f Ds Charmonium and Charmed-strange Meson Spectrum and f Ds χ QCD Collaboration: A. Alexandru, S.J. Dong, T. Draper, T. Doi, I. Horvath, B. Joo, F. Lee, A. Li, KFL, R. Lewis, N. Mathur, X. Meng, T. Streuer, H. Thacker, and J.B. Zhang YITP, Feb. 5, 2010


3 f D and f Ds

4 Some desirable features: –O(a 2 ) error are small (e.g. spectrum). –O(m 2 a 2 ) errors are small (dispersion relation, hyperfine splitting) can include charm quark – The effective propagator is –D c = D/(1 – D/2) is chirally symmetric, i.e. {γ 5, D c } = 0. –D c + m is like in the continuum formalism. –Multi-mass algorithm (30 masses) –Renormalization is relatively simple (e.g. with chiral Ward identity). Undesirable feature: –Numerically intensive (can be tamed with eigenmode deflation) Overlap Fermion

5 2+1 Flavor DWF Configurations (RBC and UKQCD) 16 3 x 32 x 16, a -1 =1.73 GeV (a = 0.114 fm), m l a=0.01, 0.02, 0.03, m s a=0.04 24 3 x 64 x 16, a -1 =1.73 GeV (a = 0.114 fm), m l a=0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, m s a=0.04 32 3 x 64 x 16, a -1 =2.42 GeV (a = 0.085 fm), m l a=0.004, 0.006, 0.008, m s a=0.03

6 Overlap on 2+1 Flavor DWF configurations with HYP Smearing Mixed action For chirally symmetric valence, it is like partial quenching with one extra parameter in valence-sea mass (Chen, O’Connell, Walker-Loud, arXiv:0706.0035)

7 Determination of ρ (24 3 x 64 lattice) from Hyperfine Splitting ρ=1.62ρ=1.50

8 Overlap with Deflation

9 Speed up with deflation and HYP smearing No critical slowing down Can calculate for any mass except zero Multi-mass inversion (30 masses) 16^3 x 3224^3 x 6432^3 x 64 w/o DDD+Sresw/o DDD+Sw/o DDD+S lowmode0200 10 -8 0200 0400 Inner iter34032110810 -11 344341107309281101 Outer iter627728510 -8 29311471844028132156 Overhead5 pro 6pro speedup235179

10 16 3 x 3224 3 x 64

11 D S Spectrum

12 32 3 x 64, m l a = 0.006, a = 0.0814 fm S.J. Dong talk

13 Hyperfine Splitting of Charmonium (50 config.) Expt: 116.5(1) MeV

14 Sharpe and Zhang, ‘95

15 f Ds on 32 3 x 64 lattice at chiral limit

16 f Ds f Ds = 266.0 (9.5) MeV

17 fDfD

18 C. Aubin, Lattice ‘09

19 Z 3 Grid Source with Low-Mode Substitution H+L L HHHH HLHL L + Mesons Z 3 Grid: noise on 64 grid points separated by 8 lattice spacings on a time slice of 32 3 x 64 lattice


21 H+L H L L L L L HHHHHH HHLHHL ++ Low-mode substitution for Baryons

22 Proton Correlator and Relative Errors with Low-mode Substituion (12 configurations)




26 2+1 flavor DWF+Overlap 0 flavor Overlap Is a tetraquark mesonium?

27 0 ¯ ¯ (1) 1 ¯ + (1) 0 ++ (0)0 + ¯ (1) 1 + ¯ (1) π (137) 0 + (1/2) ρ (770) σ (600) f 0 (980) f 0 (1370) f 0 (1500) a 0 (980) a 0 (1450) a 1 (1230) K 0 * (1430) J PG (I)) M (MeV) a 2 (1320) 2 + ¯ (1) f 0 (1710) K 0 * (800)

28 Beijing, 2004, page 28 Why a 0 (980) is not a state? The corresponding K 0 would be ~ 1100 MeV which is 300 MeV away from both and. The corresponding K 0 would be ~ 1100 MeV which is 300 MeV away from both and. Cannot explain why a 0 (980) and f 0 (980) are narrow while σ(600) and κ(800) are broad. Cannot explain why a 0 (980) and f 0 (980) are narrow while σ(600) and κ(800) are broad. γ γ width of a 0 (980) and f 0 (980) are much smaller than expected of states. γ γ width of a 0 (980) and f 0 (980) are much smaller than expected of states. Large indicates Large indicates in f 0 (980), but cannot be in I=1 a 0 (980). How to explain the mass degeneracy then? in f 0 (980), but cannot be in I=1 a 0 (980). How to explain the mass degeneracy then?

29 Our results shows scalar mass around 1400-1500 MeV, suggesting Our results shows scalar mass around 1400-1500 MeV, suggesting a 0 (1450) is a two quark state. a 0 (1450) is a two quark state. msmsmsms

30 KYIS06 2006, page 30 Further study is needed to check the volume dependence of the observed states. Scattering states Scattering states (Negative scattering length) length) Scattering states Scattering states Possible BOUND state σ(600)? σ(600)?

31 Volume dependence of spectral weights Volume independence suggests the observed state is an one particle state Volume independence suggests the observed state is an one particle state W0W0W0W0 W1W1W1W1

32 0 ¯ ¯ (1) 1 ¯ + (1) 0 ++ (0)0 + ¯ (1) 1 + ¯ (1) π (137) 0 + (1/2) ρ (770) σ (600) f 0 (980) f 0 (1370) f 0 (1500) a 0 (980) a 0 (1450) a 1 (1230) K 0 * (1430) J PG (I)) M (MeV) a 2 (1320) 2 + ¯ (1) f 0 (1710) K 0 * (800) Kπ Mesonium ππ Mesonium

33 Beijing, 2004, page 33 Scalar Mesons and Glueball glueball

34 Summary Chiral fermions (Overlap valence on 2+1 flavor DWF configurations) Preliminary results on D S spectrum at one sea mass and one lattice spacing. Preliminary results on hyperfine splitting of charmonium, and f Ds at chiral and continuum limits. Systematic errors (NLO MAPQ PT fitting) Noise grid source can reduce errors by a factor of 3 to 4. Need to observe all members of multiplets in addition to to discern tetraquark mesoniums.

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