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1 Hadron Physics at RHIC Su Houng Lee 1. Few words on hadronic molecule candidates and QCD sum rules 2. Few words on diquarks and heavy Multiquark States.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Hadron Physics at RHIC Su Houng Lee 1. Few words on hadronic molecule candidates and QCD sum rules 2. Few words on diquarks and heavy Multiquark States."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Hadron Physics at RHIC Su Houng Lee 1. Few words on hadronic molecule candidates and QCD sum rules 2. Few words on diquarks and heavy Multiquark States 3. Exotics from Belle- Heavy Ion S H Lee

2 2 Babar: D SJ (2317) 0+ Puzzle in Constituent Quark Model(2400) 1.D0 K+ (2358) threshold effect 2.Chiral partner of (0 - 1 - ) 3.Tetraquark X(3872)  <10 MeV, Y(4260), Z(4430)  <50   ’  Z(4051),Z(4248)   c1  Must contain cc ? molecule ? Recent Highlights in Hadron Physics – Heavy quark sector D0D*D1 186420072420 D0+D*D*+D*D+D1D1+D* 3872401442844427 S H Lee

3 3 1 -- States from ISR S H Lee

4 4 J PC Special feature QSR tetraquark QSR molecule Others X(3872)  <2.3 1 ++ B(X  J)/B( X  )=1 B(X  ‘)/B(X  )=3 [AV][S] m=3.92 (Nielsen..) DD* m=3.87 (Nielsen,..) QSR with  (Morita), Mixture with cc Y 1 –-  ISR Belle 4260,4360,4660 BaBar 4260,4360 [V][S] q=s m=4.65 q=u,d m=4.49 (Nielsen, et al) Ds0Ds* m=4.42 D0D* m=4.27 DD1 m=4.19 (Nielsen et al ) Hybrid Z +(4430)  ?,0 - ’  [PS][S] m=4.52 (Nielsen, et al) D*D1 m=4.40 (Nielsen, Lee et al ) Z+(4050,4250) ?  D*D* m=4.15 DD1=4.19 (Nielsen, et al ) D*D*(4020) D1D(4285) threshold effect Newly observed states M. Nielsen, F. Navarra, SHL: arXiv:0911.1958: Review paper

5 S H Lee 5 QCD sum rule results  sum rule : Small M 2 : Large M 2 M 2 OPE Conv.  pole Dom.  Such Good Borel curve exists when  In principle QCD can not distinguish between diquark configuration and molecular configuration but if the overlap is large, plateau and OPE convergence, pole dominance  can learn which current has large overlap 2. Large overlap f 1.Resonance or pole exists

6 S H Lee 6 QCD sum rules X(3872): SHL, K. Morita, M. Nielsen (PRD08)  J=[s][V] Tetraquark current vs. J=DD* Molecular current Small width <2 MeV

7 7 Scalar tetraquark (Jaffe 76) Search for H dibaryon Search for  + pentaquark Previous Work on Multiquark hadrons - Light quark sector  (1405) (Jido, Sekihara..) N K   + S H Lee

8 8 What are the systematics? What are these particles? Where else should we look for? S H Lee

9 9 Some insights from for Multiquark configurations in a schematic quark model (with S. Yasui ) S H Lee

10 10 Color spin interaction (De Rujula, Georgi, Glashow..)  color spin interaction: q1q1 q2q2 q4q4  Diquark configurations vs. quark-antiquark configurations ColorSpinFavor  Q-Q3bar0 -2 162/3 6061 13bar-1/3 ColorSpinFavor  Q-Qbar101,8-4 11,84/3 801,8 1/2 11,8-1/6 q2q2 S H Lee

11 11 Diquark correlation inside Baryons u d ud s s Example Mass diffM  –M N M  -M  M  c -M  c M  b -M  b Formula290 MeV77 MeV154 MeV180 MeV Experiment290 MeV75 MeV170 MeV192 MeV S H Lee

12 12 quark-antiquark in Meson d u d u  Works very well with 3x C B = C M = 635 m u 2 ud d u x 3 = Mass diffM  –M  M K* -M K M D* -M D M B* -M B Formula635 MeV381 MeV127 MeV41 MeV Experiment635 MeV397 MeV137 MeV46 MeV  S H Lee

13 13 S=C=0(ud)  -A S=-1, m s =5/3m u (us)  -3/5 A(ds)  -3/5 A C=1, m c =5m u (uc)  -1/5 A(dc)  -1/5 A(sc)  -3/25 A u d  1/2 + s u d L=1 u d s u d L 2 contribution  - 500 MeV in Five body quark model by Hiyama, Hosaka et al (06)  PK  + (Jaffe Wilczek conf) in a naïve quark model S H Lee

14 14 Di-bayron (Conf 1) – (qq) (qq) (qq) u d  0+0+ u s H di-baryon  could be bound  unfortunately not found in so far d s u d s u d s H di-baryon CFLPhase of color superconductivity ? 2SC Phase S H Lee

15 15 Multiquark configuration:  Diquark attracation vs quark-antiquark q3q3 q1q1 q2q2  diquark picture: Yasui, Ko, Liu, Lee,.. (EJP08,EJP09) Type of diquark and its q-q binding S=C=0(ud)  A S=-1, m s =5/3m u (us)  3/5 A(ds)  3/5 A C=1, m c =5m u (uc)  1/5 A(dc)  1/5 A(sc)  3/25 A S H Lee

16 16 Diquark picture for  (with D. Jido, K. Kim)  Magnetic moment:  = (ud) 0 s u d s S H Lee  QCD sum rule with diquark field s u d OPE 

17 17  Result: S H Lee

18 18  Result- cont  Constituent diquark mass m  (GeV) 0.2-0.5 0.3-0.2 0.4-0.013 0.410 S H Lee

19 19 Recently observed states with hidden charm states  Most probably molecular state NOT tetraquark q3q3 q1q1 c c q3q3 q1q1 c c q3q3 q1q1 c c q3q3 q1q1 c c    D D* D1 D* X(3872)Z(4430)

20 20 Where are the tetraquarks and multiquark configurations? Dense matter? S H Lee

21 21 Tetra-quark - configurations u d d u u d d u  0+0+ 0-0- 0-0- Binding against decay = (Mass of 2 Mesons) – (Mass of Tetraquark) ud cb u d c b  0+0+ 0-0- 0-0- S H Lee

22 22 Tetra-quark – hadronic weak decay modes 1+1+ ud cc u d c c  0-0- 1-1- S H Lee - Binding against decay = - 79.3 MeV

23 23 Belle: PRL 98, 082001 (07) e+ e-  J/  + X(3904)  D D* e+ e c c SHL, S Yasui, W Liu, C Ko (08) Can look for 1 + (Tcc) Previous works on Tcc Z. Zouzou, B. Silverstre-Brac, C. Gilgnooux, J Richard (86), D. Janc, M. Rosina (04), Y. Cui, S. L. Zhu (07) QCD sum rules: F Navarra, M. Nielsen, SHLee, PLB 649, 166 (2007) simple diquark: SHL, S. Yasui, W.Liu, C Ko EPJ C54, 259 (2008), SHL, S. Yasui: EPJ C (09) c c S H Lee X (3904)T cc (3800)

24 24 S=C=0(ud)  -A S=-1, m s =5/3m u (us)  -3/5 A(ds)  -3/5 A C=1, m c =5m u (uc)  -1/5 A(dc)  -1/5 A(sc)  -3/25 A Di-bayron – general considerations  2  0+0+  4  6  2   4  H di-baryon BB Conf-1 S H Lee u d 0+0+ u s d s H di-baryon

25 25 S=C=0(ud)  -A S=-1, m s =5/3m u (us)  -3/5 A(ds)  -3/5 A C=1, m c =5m u (uc)  -1/5 A(dc)  -1/5 A(sc)  -3/25 A Di-bayron – general considerations  2  0+0+  4  6  2   4  di-baryon BB Conf-2 S H Lee

26 26 Di-baryon (Conf 2) – (qq) (qq) (qQ) ud  0+0+ us H c di-baryon uc ud u u c s P cc S H Lee

27 27  large number of c, b quark production  Vertex detector: weakly decaying exotics : FAIR 10 4 D 0 /month  Larger source size: A. Ohnishi.. New perspective of Hadron Physics from Heavy Ion Collision S H Lee

28 28  T Color superconductivity RHIC, LHC J/ψ, χ C Λ C /D Quark-gluon plasma d u d u s d u u s d u c c Nuclear matter u ud J/ψ Exotics Factory Tcc  p Exotics Factory S H Lee

29 29  Started from Molecular workshop  12 people 9 institutions ExHIC (collaboration) S H Lee

30 30  First project: Production rate 1. Mol=usual hadron > Exotic 2. Realistic measurement of exotics are possible S H Lee

31 31 T cc /D > 0.34 x 10 -4 RHIC > 0.8 x 10 -4 LHC  c /D > 0.8 x 10 -4 H c /D s > 0.25 x 10 -3 Production ratios for predicted Multiquarks  c Dx   c D s x    c production at RHIC and LHC  H c production at RHIC and LHC  T cc production S H Lee

32 32 More ExHIC Physics  General considerations for molecular states  Production rates at Belle : Exotics from HIgh energy e+e- Collision  Pt dependence of c/D ratio …… S H Lee

33 33 3. Belle + Heavy Ion can provide new perspectives in the search 1.We are witnessing an exciting time in hadron physics :  Categorizing excited states and understanding exotics  Systematics ?? Summary of talk S H Lee 2.Diquarks are unique features of QCD, Mutltiquark states will exits in Heavy sector, due to diquark structure T cc (ud cc)  bs (udusb), H c (udusuc)  real weak decay, small background in RHIC, LHC  can be a very useful heavy exotic factory  If found, it will be the first flavor exotic ever,  will tell us about QCD, q-q interaction and dense matter  great step forward in QCD

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