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CDF RESULTS ON DIFFRACTION and EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTION Konstantin Goulianos 14th Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (EDS Blois Workshop ) Frontiers.

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Presentation on theme: "CDF RESULTS ON DIFFRACTION and EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTION Konstantin Goulianos 14th Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (EDS Blois Workshop ) Frontiers."— Presentation transcript:

1 CDF RESULTS ON DIFFRACTION and EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTION Konstantin Goulianos 14th Workshop on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (EDS Blois Workshop ) Frontiers of QCD: From Puzzles to Discoveries December 15-21, 2011, Qui Nhon, Vietnam

2 EDS 2011 Vietnam Diffractive & exclusive production in CDF CONTENTS  Diffractive W and Z production……………………..published  Diffractive structure function in dijet production..…updated  Rapidity gaps between jets………….......................updated __________________________________________________  Diffr. structure function at low  using rap-gaps.….difficult !  Diffr. structure function in DPE dijet production…...delayed __________________________________________________  Exclusive  production in pp collisions at 1.96 TeV….NEW! 2 -

3 K. Goulianos EDS 2011 Vietnam Diffractive & exclusive production in CDF  In LO QCD W probes the quark content of diffractive exchange.  Production by gluons is suppressed by a factor of  S and distinguished by an associated jet. Diffractive W/Z MWMW 3

4 K. Goulianos EDS 2011 Vietnam Diffractive & exclusive production in CDF M W from inclusive W  e/  +v Method: compare transverse M W data with MC M W diff = 80.9± 0.7(GeV/c 2 ) 4

5 K. Goulianos EDS 2011 Vietnam Diffractive & exclusive production in CDF Diffractive W/Z fractions ~80% 68-80% ~87% f 1-int =(25.6±1.2)% R W (0.03 <   < 0.10, |t|<1)= [1.00 ± 0.05(stat.) ± 0.10(syst.)]% Run I: R W =1.15±0.55 % for  min <  <0.1  [0.97±0.47 (stat. & syst.) % within 0.03 <  < 0.10 & |t|<1 R Z (0.03 <   < 0.10, |t|<1)= [0.88 ± 0.21(stat.) ± 0.08(syst.)]% 5

6 K. Goulianos EDS 2011 Vietnam Diffractive Structure Function in Dijets )(xF ) F Bj ND jj Bj SD jj )(xRate )(xRate )R(x Bj ND jj Bj SD jj Bj   Diffractive & exclusive production in CDF 6

7 K. Goulianos DSF: Q 2 - dependence E T jet ~ 100 GeV !  Small Q 2 dependence in region 100<Q 2 <10 000 GeV 2 where d  SD /dE T & d  ND /dE T vary by a factor of ~10 4 !  The Pomeron evolves as the proton ! EDS 2011 Vietnam Diffractive & exclusive production in CDF 7

8 K. Goulianos EDS 2011 Vietnam Diffractive & exclusive production in CDF Dijet E T distributions  similar for SD and ND over 4 orders of magnitude Kinematics 8

9 K. Goulianos EDS 2011 Vietnam Diffractive & exclusive production in CDF t – dependence: |t|<1 (GeV/c)^2  No diffraction dips  No Q2 dependence up to to Q 2 ~10 4 GeV 2 Fit d  /dt to a double exponential:  Same slope over entire region ~1 < Q 2 < ~ 10 000 GeV 2 ! 0.05 <  < 0.08 b1b1 b2b2 9

10 K. Goulianos EDS 2011 Vietnam Diffractive & exclusive production in CDF |t| up to 4 (GeV/c) 2 diffractive dip region?  must reevaluate errors! 10

11 K. Goulianos EDS 2011 Vietnam Diffractive & exclusive production in CDF Asymmetric t distributions: A tool for evaluating background level! 2 mm 2.5 mm p p 7.5 mm 12.5 mm x Y 25 mm  tracker’s upper edge: |t|=2.3 (GeV/c)^2, estimated from t~  ^2  the lower edge is at |t|= 6.5 (GeV/c)^2 (not shown)  background level: region of Y track >Y o data for |t|>2.3 (GeV/c)^2 bgd = 2 evts/(GeV/c) 2 schematic view of fiber tracker t-distributions Y = 7.5 mm 11

12 K. Goulianos EDS 2011 Vietnam Diffractive & exclusive production in CDF RPS acceptance vs. t and  12

13 K. Goulianos gaps between jets EDS 2011 Vietnam Diffractive & exclusive production in CDF 13

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