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Alachua County Voters Adriane Field Antonio Laudani Iris Montoya Ramune Zakatova.

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Presentation on theme: "Alachua County Voters Adriane Field Antonio Laudani Iris Montoya Ramune Zakatova."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alachua County Voters Adriane Field Antonio Laudani Iris Montoya Ramune Zakatova

2 Percentage of Registered Voters 44% of Total 44% of Total Population Voted 55% of Eligible 55% of Eligible Population voted Based on Block Precincts Precincts

3 Areas Investigated Location of Voters Location of Voters Age Age Owner Vs. Renter Owner Vs. Renter Family Status Family Status Race Race

4 Location of Registered Voters Near Major Road Ways Near Major Road Ways In Municipalities In Municipalities Based on Higher Voting Percentages in Block Precincts

5 Ages

6 Housing/Land 51% Private 51% Private 41% Renters 41% Renters 8% vacant 8% vacant Based on Block Precincts

7 Owner Vs. Renter In rented areas less or no voting was occurring than in private ownership areas In rented areas less or no voting was occurring than in private ownership areas Majority of land area is ownership, rentals being in more concentrated areas. Majority of land area is ownership, rentals being in more concentrated areas. Long term (owners ) vs. Short Term (renters) Long term (owners ) vs. Short Term (renters) Property Taxes Property Taxes Knowledge Knowledge Concern Concern

8 Family Status

9 Expected single parents tobe active voters Expected single parents tobe active voters Maps of distribution of all Maps of distribution of all singles and single parents singles and single parents compared with areas of compared with areas of high voting activity (75% high voting activity (75% and higher) and higher)  Voting wasn’t very active in the areas of high in the areas of high concentration of single concentration of single parents parents  Singles with no children appeared to be more appeared to be more active active


11 Same analysis method Same analysis method applied to married couples applied to married couples  Surprisingly, the areas with highest concentration with highest concentration of families with children of families with children were not in the highest were not in the highest voting activity areas voting activity areas

12 General Race of Voters Races by location: white, Black, Asian, Hispanic, and other  Selection of each race, and the highest concentration are found by location  As a result, the Alachua county is predominantly white, following the black community


14 Selection of the highest percentages of registered voters Selection of the highest percentages of registered voters Emphasis of these voters by location, and mostly active in the white community Emphasis of these voters by location, and mostly active in the white community



17  Races are combined with the highest concentration of voters by location  The most predominant races, white and black, have the most concentration of active voters in the center of Alachua County


19 Results The White and Black communities are the most predominant races, therefore the pattern shows that the highest concentration of voters are located within these two communities The White and Black communities are the most predominant races, therefore the pattern shows that the highest concentration of voters are located within these two communities

20 Results Lower turnout of voters in more rural areas of Alachua County than in municipalities. Lower turnout of voters in more rural areas of Alachua County than in municipalities. Lower turnout of rental voters than private owner voters. Lower turnout of rental voters than private owner voters. Older population is more active than the younger Older population is more active than the younger

21 Results cont. Overall marriage status didn’t influence voting pattern dramatically Overall marriage status didn’t influence voting pattern dramatically Singles tended to be more active than married Singles tended to be more active than married People without children, esp. married, were located in the less actively voting zones People without children, esp. married, were located in the less actively voting zones

22 Conclusion Publicize importance of voting to rural areas Publicize importance of voting to rural areas Encourage short term residents to vote more along with long term residents Encourage short term residents to vote more along with long term residents Encourage voting among young families and esp. single parents Encourage voting among young families and esp. single parents Encourage civic activism through out neglected cultural communities Encourage civic activism through out neglected cultural communities

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