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Click to edit Master subtitle style South Africa Decent Work Country Programme Presentation to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Labour 15 November.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master subtitle style South Africa Decent Work Country Programme Presentation to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Labour 15 November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master subtitle style South Africa Decent Work Country Programme Presentation to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Labour 15 November 2011

2  Conceptual Overview: Decent Work  Overview of the South Africa DWCP  South Africa DWCP Priorities  Update on Implementation of the DWCP  Conceptual Overview: Decent Work Overview of the South Africa DWCP South Africa DWCP Priorities Update on Implementation of the DWCP 2

3  Decent work is central to efforts aimed at addressing poverty and is a means for achieving equitable, inclusive and sustainable development.  Decent work relates to opportunities of obtaining jobs with fair salaries, safety at the workplace, social protection for workers and their families and better prospects for personal development.  Decent work also implies freedom for those who express their concerns, who are organized, and take part in decision making processes that affects their lives, and equal opportunities for women and men.  The concept of decent work is based on the understanding that work is not only a source of income but more importantly a source of personal dignity, family stability, peace in community and economic growth that expands opportunities for productive jobs and enterprise development  Decent work is central to efforts aimed at addressing poverty and is a means for achieving equitable, inclusive and sustainable development. Decent work relates to opportunities of obtaining jobs with fair salaries, safety at the workplace, social protection for workers and their families and better prospects for personal development. Decent work also implies freedom for those who express their concerns, who are organized, and take part in decision making processes that affects their lives, and equal opportunities for women and men. The concept of decent work is based on the understanding that work is not only a source of income but more importantly a source of personal dignity, family stability, peace in community and economic growth that expands opportunities for productive jobs and enterprise development 3

4  The formulation of the SA DWCP involved a series of consultative meetings between the ILO and the NEDLAC constituents.  During these consultations, key decent work deficits were identified and country priorities defined.  The priorities for the SA DWCP give effect to the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed to all citizens under the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa in the bill of rights.  South Africa’s first DWCP was launched on 29 September 2010.  The formulation of the SA DWCP involved a series of consultative meetings between the ILO and the NEDLAC constituents. During these consultations, key decent work deficits were identified and country priorities defined. The priorities for the SA DWCP give effect to the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed to all citizens under the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa in the bill of rights. South Africa’s first DWCP was launched on 29 September 2010. 4

5 Overview of the South Africa DWCP Priority 1: Strengthening Fundamental Principles and rights at work Priority 2: Employment Promotion Priority 3: Strengthening and Broadening Social Protection Priority 4: Strengthening Tri-partism plus and Social Dialogue South Africa DWCP Priorities: 5

6 Key Outcomes Priority 1: Principles and Rights Up-to-date International Labour Standards are ratified, complied with and reported on. Priority 2: Employment Promotion More women and men, especially youth and persons with disabilities, have access to productive and decent employment through inclusive job rich growth Priority 3: Social Protection More people have access to better managed and more gender equitable social security and health benefits Priority 4: Social Dialogue Strengthened labour market institutions and capacitated social partners (tripartite –plus) contribute to effective social dialogue and sound industrial relations Sustainable and competitive enterprises (including cooperatives) create productive and decent jobs especially among women, youth and persons with disabilities Skills development increases the employability of workers and the inclusiveness of growth Labour Administrations apply up-to-date ILO conventions, both ratified and those earmarked for ratification.Workers and enterprises benefit from improved safety and healthy conditions at workThe World of Work responds effectively to the HIV&AIDS epidemic 6

7 Click to edit Master subtitle style Detailed Update on the Implementation of the SA DWCP

8 Priority 1: Strengthening fundamental principles and rights at work DWCP OUTCOME 1: Up-to-date International Labour Standards are ratified, complied with and reported on DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 1.1: Relevant conventions to the South African context are reviewed for ratification, including those relating to labour market governance, Gender, and Social Security  The ILO provided technical and capacity support to Cosatu to enable Cosatu’s full participation in deliberations held on the new ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers at the last International Labour Conference (June 2011)  The ILO provided technical inputs and support to the Fedusa Equity Forum Women’s Day celebrations held on 10 August 2011. Awareness was raised on the provisions of the Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers.  The ILO provided technical and coordination support to a national summit organized by Cosatu in August 2011 in collaboration with Organized Labour, and Government under the theme ‘From Global State to National: Lobbying to Advance the Decent Work Agenda for Domestic Workers’.  The summit resulted in a roadmap on how to engage the Minister of Labour and other stakeholders for ratification of the Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. 88

9 Priority 1: Strengthening fundamental principles and rights at work DWCP OUTCOME 2: Labour administrations apply up-to-date labour legislation and provide effective services DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 2.2: Labour Inspection systems in the public sector and private sector strengthened  30 labour inspectors trained as master trainers  The master trainers facilitated provincial roll-out trainings on labour inspection. To-date, about 224 labour inspectors have been trained through the provincial roll-out trainings.  A national Labour Inspection Policy Conference was held in September 2010 to discuss among others, key policy issues facing labour inspection in South Africa. The conference made a strong recommendation for Government to ratify Labour Inspection Convention 81.  The proposed ratification of Labour Inspection Convention 81 has been tabled at NEDLAC and is currently under discussion.  ILO technical support is currently being provided to the department of Labour towards strengthening the department’s performance management systems in labour administration. 99

10 Priority 1: Strengthening fundamental principles and rights at work DWCP OUTCOME 2: Labour administrations apply up-to-date labour legislation and provide effective services DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 2.4: Capacity of Government and Social Partners to promote employment equity (including gender equality) at the workplace is strengthened  A study was conducted in 2010 to assess key challenges, successes and gaps faced in the implementation of ILO Equality conventions 100 and 111. The findings of the review were shared with the constituents in workshops where recommendations were made for the enhanced monitoring of compliance with provisions of the two conventions. Work is currently underway to finalize the report that will be presented in a booklet for distribution to the ILO constituents.  A study was conducted to identify gaps in the responsiveness of Statssa labour market data to gender. The study report made recommendations to Statssa on how to improve the gender responsiveness of the QLFS. 1010

11 Priority 1: Strengthening fundamental principles and rights at work DWCP OUTCOME 2: Labour administrations apply up-to-date labour legislation and provide effective services DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 2.4: Capacity of Government and Social Partners to promote employment equity (including gender equality) at the workplace is strengthened  The ILO organized a Participatory Gender Audit Facilitators’ workshop in May 2011 to train Gender Audit Facilitators. At the workshop gender focal points drawn from the tripartite-plus constituents were capacitated on how to use a self-assessment tool on gender equality compliance. The workshop also sought to strengthen the capacity of the constituents to facilitate gender mainstreaming in their respective organizations and to lobby more effectively for gender sensitive national policies and programmes. 1111

12 Priority 2: Promotion of Employment DWCP OUTCOME 3 : More women and men, especially youth and persons with disabilities, have access to productive and decent employment through inclusive job rich growth DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 3.1: Macro economic policy strengthened to support employment and decent work outcomes  In keeping with the ILO Director General’s special office arrangements to support ILO constituents to give effect to the Global Jobs Pact, the ILO prepared a Global Jobs Pact Country Scan for South Africa as an input to national policy dialogue. The Country Scan examines the country situation and highlights the South Africa’s response to the crisis as articulated in the National Response Framework.  The ILO supported an initiative by BUSA in 2010-2011 to strengthen employers’ capacity to take a policy position on inclusive job rich growth. BUSA has since developed a discussion document outlining its perspectives on an inclusive job rich growth path for South Africa by 2025. The discussion document aims to facilitate engagement by BUSA with its members and social partners on the issue of Inclusive Job Rich Growth. 1212

13 Priority 2: Employment Promotion DWCP OUTCOME 3: More women and men especially youth and persons with disability have access to productive and decent employment through inclusive job rich growth DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output3.2: Strengthened national capacity to analyze and access data on decent work following locally relevant indicators  In May 2011, the Nedlac Technical Committee for the DWCP reviewed and endorsed the preparatory process for identifying decent work indicators and the development of a Decent Work profile for South Africa.  Statssa is undertaking an exercise of compiling and tabulating available decent work statistical indicators (data) based on the ILO global list of decent work indicators (and identifying gaps).  A zero draft framework document to be presented to the Nedlac constituents for further discussion and input to identify the most relevant indicators to monitor decent work trends in South Africa. 1313

14 Priority 2: Promotion of Employment DWCP OUTCOME 3 : More women and men, especially youth and persons with disabilities, have access to productive and decent employment through inclusive job rich growth DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 3.3: Strengthened national capacity for the adoption of labour intensive methods to implement sustainable employment- intensive programmes that also integrate rights, social protection and social dialogue  Technical support to the EPWP is facilitated through two projects notably; ILO Technical Assistance to the National Department of Public Works for the implementation of the EPWP; and ILO Technical Assistance to the Limpopo Provincial Government in the implementation of the EPWP. Support to the Limpopo province:  Technical assistance provided to departments and municipalities on the use of labour intensive and employment intensive work methods and procedures  Support provided to the Limpopo provincial government in the selection, implementation and monitoring of road, water and sanitation learning training programmes 1414

15 Priority 2: Promotion of Employment DWCP OUTCOME 3 : More women and men, especially youth and persons with disabilities, have access to productive and decent employment through inclusive job rich growth DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 3.3: Strengthened national capacity for the adoption of labour intensive methods to implement sustainable employment- intensive programmes that also integrate rights, social protection and social dialogue  Technical support currently provided to learners from emerging road contractors and non-road infrastructure emerging small scale contractors.  Technical guidelines developed for Labour Intensive Construction for Water Sanitation and Building Works Support to the National Department of Public Works:  Technical support directed towards the development of a Provincial EPWP Policy Framework for KwaZulu Natal. Draft Policy Framework still to be tabled at provincial cabinet.  Labour intensive re-orientation training provided to 38 government officials in the Northern Cape province in February 2011.  A technical brief on the ‘task system’ for use by EPWP managers developed. Dissemination of ‘task system’ technical brief in progress 1515

16 Priority 2: Promotion of Employment DWCP OUTCOME 3 : More women and men, especially youth and persons with disabilities, have access to productive and decent employment through inclusive job rich growth DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 3.3: Strengthened national capacity for the adoption of labour intensive methods to implement sustainable employment- intensive programmes that also integrate rights, social protection and social dialogue  The ILO facilitated a stakeholders’ workshop to review challenges facing the Zibambele household contractor maintenance programme in KwaZulu Natal that currently employs an estimated 40,000 beneficiaries.  In June 2011, a training workshop was held for ILO EPWP technical experts on the application of international labour standards, occupational safety and health, and social security in Employment Intensive Investment programmes (EIIP). The training was geared towards enhancing the capacity of ILO EPWP technical experts to extend relevant advisory support to government and other partners on the promotion of decent work in EIIP. 1616

17 Priority 2: Employment Promotion DWCP OUTCOME 3 : More women and men, especially youth and persons with disabilities, have access to productive and decent employment through inclusive job rich growth DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 3.5: Policy options identified to improve working conditions for the most vulnerable workers, with particular focus on the informal economy.  The ILO undertook a mission to the eThekwini municipality on 26 May 2011 to meet with management (of the municipality), to discuss possible support by the ILO towards strengthening the municipality’s informal economy policy environment.  The ILO met with government officials of the Ethekwini municipality as well as representatives of the Ethekwini Municipality Informal Economy Forum.  The Ethekwini municipality in partnership with representatives of the local informal traders association plan to undertake learning missions to countries such as Kenya, Ghana and Mauritius to draw lessons on how to improve the local informal economy environment of the eThekwini municipality. 1717

18 Priority 2: Employment Promotion DWCP OUTCOME 4: Sustainable and competitive enterprises (including cooperatives) create productive and decent jobs especially among women, youth, and persons with disabilities DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 4.3: Support for the upgrading and promotion of social economy enterprises (including cooperatives).The ILO SETYSA project (Social Entrepreneurship Targeting Youth in South Africa) lent support towards promoting the concept of social entrepreneurship..The project made significant progress towards promoting a better understanding of the concept of social enterprise and social entrepreneurship, particularly amongst policy makers..Resource persons based in BDS organizations were trained in a range of tools and materials..At the micro-level, project interventions were focused on two pilot locations (Western Cape and the Eastern Cape) where a range of ultimate beneficiaries (persons in the target pilot communities) were mobilized through social business competitions to start their own social business initiatives. 1818

19 Priority 2: Employment Promotion DWCP OUTCOME 4: Sustainable and competitive enterprises (including cooperatives) create productive and decent jobs especially among women, youth, and persons with disabilities DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 4.4: Support for the growth of rural based small and medium scale businesses  The SCORE (Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises) project focuses on clusters of small-scale wildlife tourism lodges and surrounding rural based SMMEs for improved productivity, sustainability and competitiveness.  Specific project sites include Wild life reserves in the North West province (Madikwe Game reserve) and the Eastern Cape province (Amakhala Game reserve).  The project target managers and staff in wildlife lodges as well as government, the private sector and communities surrounding the Madikwe and the Amakhala Game Reserves.  The Free State based Employment creation through Small and Medium Scale Enterprise (SME) development project lends support towards the growth of rural based small and medium scale businesses to create decent employment opportunities for historically disadvantaged population groups in the Free State province. 1919

20 Priority 2: Employment Promotion DWCP OUTCOME 4: Sustainable and competitive enterprises (including cooperatives) create productive and decent jobs especially among women, youth, and persons with disabilities DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 4.6: Support for an enabling environment for women entrepreneurs to grow their businesses  A research study to assess the enabling environment for growth oriented women entrepreneurs (GOWE) was carried out under the auspices of the DTI’s Gender and Women Empowerment Unit to help inform the update, finalization and implementation of the existing draft Strategic Framework on Gender and Women’s Economic Empowerment of the DTI.  A national committee for the review of the Strategic Framework chaired by the DTI to review of the DTI’s Strategic Framework on Gender and Women’s Economic Empowerment is already working.  To-date, 28 trainers have been trained in the Women’s Entrepreneurship Development (WED) tool; 21 trainers have been trained in the Improve Your Exhibition Skills (IYES) tool; 12 trainers have been trained in the Expand Your Business tool of whom 6 are certified trainers in EYB, and 2 are master trainers; and 12 trainers have been trained in the Action My Business Guide tool and 3 are master trainers. 2020

21 Priority 3: Strengthening and broadening social protection coverage DWCP OUTCOME 6 :More people have access to improved and more gender equitable social security and health benefits DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 6.1: Support for a new and more inclusive mandatory social security system.  The ILO prepared a Technical Note on Social Security Reform with a particular focus on the role and linkages of social insurance and social assistance to the labour market. The Technical Note was presented at a workshop organized by the UIF Social Security Board on 23 March 2011  A certificate programme on Managing Social Security and Pensions was developed in partnership with the University of Wits. The first training course was held in July 2011 for government officials and representatives of the social partners (Organized labour, Business)  The ILO facilitated an assessment of current challenges both legal & administrative that African migrant workers face in accessing social security benefits. 2121

22 Priority 3: Strengthening and broadening social protection coverage DWCP OUTCOME 6 :More people have access to improved and more gender equitable social security and health benefits DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 6.1: Support for a new and more inclusive mandatory social security system.  The findings of the assessment were disseminated at a National Policy Dialogue Forum on Cross Border Migration and the Portability of Social Security Benefits for Migrant Workers in March 2011. One of the recommendations made at the Policy Dialogue Forum wasthe need to streamline reforms of social security systems in the region according to the SADC framework.  In May 2011, a sub-regional conference for trade union organizations was held on Advancing Social Security Standards and the Social Protection Floor to Strengthen Social Security Systems and to Extend Coverage to All. Representatives from COSATU and NACTU participated in the conference. 2222

23 Priority 3: Strengthening and broadening social protection coverage DWCP OUTCOME 8: The World of Work responds effectively to the HIV/AIDS epidemic DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 8.1: Capacity of trade union and employer organizations to develop, secure financing, and to implement HIV/AIDS workplace policies and programmes strengthened  The ILO provided technical and financial support towards the revision of the South Africa Code of Good Practice on Key Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Employment.  The draft revised Code has been submitted by the Minister of Labour to NEDLAC for further discussion by the social partners. First NEDLAC meeting to discuss the draft revised Code is scheduled for 18 November 2011.  The ILO provided support in co-facilitating national and provincial consultations on the revised draft code. These consultations were held during the month of September and October 2011. 2323

24 Priority 4: Strengthening Tri-partism plus and Social Dialogue DWCP OUTCOME 9: Strengthened labour market institutions and capacitated social partners (tripartite-plus) contribute to effective social dialogue and sound industrial relations DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 9.2: Capacity of social partners to engage more effectively in social dialogue is strengthened  In August 2010, a sub-regional workshop was facilitated by the ILO for Employers’ Organizations on lobbying and advocacy; on membership services, and evidence based advocacy for labour market issues. BUSA was represented at the workshop by its affiliate organizations, notably Agri-South Africa and SAFCEC  In April 2011, a sub-regional workshop was held for employers’ organizations under the theme ‘Effective business agenda and better communication’.  ILO supported a BUSA assessment study on the impact of Government’s rescue package on SMEs. The findings of the study will enable BUSA to engage in policy dialogue with Government on measures aimed at improving assistance to SMEs in the aftermath of the global economic crisis. 2424

25 Priority 4: Strengthening Tri-partism plus and Social Dialogue DWCP OUTCOME 9: Strengthened labour market institutions and capacitated social partners (tripartite-plus) contribute to effective social dialogue and sound industrial relations DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 9.2: Capacity of social partners to engage more effectively in social dialogue is strengthened  BUSA was among 8 employer organizations selected globally by the ILO in a study aimed at examining the role of employers’ organizations in the financial and economic crisis on sustaining business and employment. The study has been finalized.  The ILO facilitated a number of training workshops for Organized Labour (Cosatu, Fedusa, Nactu) to orientate members of the ILO Global Jobs Pact.  Two capacity building workshops were held in 2010 for Organized Labour on the provisions of the National Framework Agreement on the Global Economic Crisis. The workshops aimed to strengthen the capacity of trade unions to contribute towards the implementation of the NFA. 2525

26 Priority 4: Strengthening Tri-partism plus and Social Dialogue DWCP OUTCOME 9: Strengthened labour market institutions and capacitated social partners (tripartite-plus) contribute to effective social dialogue and sound industrial relations DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 9.2: Capacity of social partners to engage more effectively in social dialogue is strengthened  In partnership with FES-Germany, the ILO provided support to a seminar for Organized Labour with the theme placing decent work at the centre of trade policies. The seminar focused on implications of current trade policies on South Africa’s decent work agenda.  The ILO facilitated a training workshop for affiliates of Nactu to enhance their members’ understanding of proposals contained in the New Growth Path (NGP) Strategy and to enhance their capacity to engage in further policy debates around the NGP.  Subsequent to the workshop facilitated for Nactu affiliates, Nactu formulated a formal response to and commentary on the NGP that was submitted to the Minister of Economic Development. 2626

27 Priority 4: Strengthening Tri-partism plus and Social Dialogue DWCP OUTCOME 9: Strengthened labour market institutions and capacitated social partners (tripartite-plus) contribute to effective social dialogue and sound industrial relations DWCP OUTPUTSIMPLEMENTATION UPDATE Output 9.3: Capacity of workers’ and employers’ organizations, and bargaining councils is strengthened to engage more effectively in collective bargaining processes.  The ILO conducted a study to examine the impact of industrial relations and collective bargaining in South Africa in mitigating the impact of the global economic crisis. Preliminary findings of the study were presented by the ILO at a Joint Consultative Forum of Bargaining Councils held in April 2011.  ILO is currently providing support to the department of Labour in a study focusing on the enforcement of minimum wage laws in South Africa  The ILO provided technical and coordination support to a Nactu collective bargaining conference held in March 2011. The objective of the conference was to enhance the capacity of Nactu affiliates to use collective bargaining in driving the South Africa Decent Work Agenda. 2727

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