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Bloom’s Taxonomy Miss Lay. Evaluation (A) Synthesis Analysis Application (C) Comprehension Knowledge (E/U) Bloom’s Taxonomy As you move up the pyramid.

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Presentation on theme: "Bloom’s Taxonomy Miss Lay. Evaluation (A) Synthesis Analysis Application (C) Comprehension Knowledge (E/U) Bloom’s Taxonomy As you move up the pyramid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bloom’s Taxonomy Miss Lay

2 Evaluation (A) Synthesis Analysis Application (C) Comprehension Knowledge (E/U) Bloom’s Taxonomy As you move up the pyramid you move into the higher mark bands. Apply the theory to your product! Analyse your market research and chose your marketing mix accordingly. Investigate what you think the best marketing mix is according to your product. Combine everything together – make sure you think of your marketing objectives, product life cycle, target market/segments and make sure its relates to your 4 P Plan Section D – Evaluating your 4 P Plan, use PEST and SWOT – but don’t just relate them to your product/company make sure you cover all the 4 Ps. Will your marketing plan be successful in meeting your objectives?

3  htm htm  rningdomains.htm rningdomains.htm Bloom’s Taxonomy Links

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