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S UPERBUGS ! Experimental evolution of antibiotic resistance.

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Presentation on theme: "S UPERBUGS ! Experimental evolution of antibiotic resistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 S UPERBUGS ! Experimental evolution of antibiotic resistance

2 REVIEW Most bacteria are harmful. Although bacteria have DNA, they lack a nucleus. Bacteria are multi-cellular organisms.

3 REVIEW Pathogens cause infectious diseases. Only bacteria can be pathogens. Cancer is an infectious disease.

4 REVIEW Flu is treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics only treat bacterial infections. Susceptible organisms survive antibiotic treatment.


6 P ROJECT O VERVIEW + Bacillus thuringiensis Streptomycin

7 P ROJECT O VERVIEW + Bacillus thuringiensis Streptomycin

8 P ROJECT O BJECTIVES Observe evolution in real time Use good experimental design Complete a long-term experiment

9 E VOLUTION Change in species over time

10 Genetic Mutation NATURAL SELECTION + Predator

11 Susceptible + Antibiotic Antibiotic Resistant EXPERIMENTAL SELECTION REPRODUCTION

12 Q UESTION How can we cause bacteria to evolve antibiotic resistance?

13 H YPOTHESIS If bacteria are grown in the presence of antibiotic, then they will evolve resistance.

14 E XPERIMENTAL D ESIGN Independent/Manipulated Variable Dependent/Responding Variable Control Treatment Experimental Treatment

15 E XPERIMENTAL D ESIGN Independent: Type of environment Dependent: Bacterial growth Control: No antibiotic (Strep -) Experimental: Antibiotic (Strep +)

16 No streptomycin+ streptomycin

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