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A View from the Front Row FGRBI’s Story and Plan for Next Year.

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Presentation on theme: "A View from the Front Row FGRBI’s Story and Plan for Next Year."— Presentation transcript:

1 A View from the Front Row FGRBI’s Story and Plan for Next Year

2 What happened last year… Total chaos … New and competing priorities New administration with different style Provider changes Regulation changes Funding horrors Life, health, transitions

3 So what’s new? More budget cuts and reduced payments Co-director on sabbatical Florida’s GSEG initiative- staff development plan MOU with Co. Schools- improved transition 2 experienced EI’s enrolling in program So get on with it!

4 Our plan includes: Clarify the vision and broadcast it To families in multiple formats To community at large To providers on every available opportunity To fellow administrators and support staff To referral agents, especially health care Live the vision daily and make decisions based on its implementation

5 Increase Family Participation Revitalize family membership on advisory committee Connect our family activities to the school and community Provide more resources to families to share with other providers Increase “veteran” parents as connections for new families Solicit input from families of high poverty about “intervention packages”

6 Just Do It! Make implementation a priority Allocate a percentage of time and don’t lose it! Visit families Observe providers Coach select providers Provide mentor and support interactions Review data from families and providers Read IFSPs, assessment reports Watch videos Listen during team meetings

7 Provide Feedback on Implementation Private Public Specific and Immediate Personal Virtual Email and voice mail With families, community and providers Include self reflection practices Accept disagreement… it may move those who are struggling with change… Uncertainty is demotivating, stress inducing, and limits job satisfaction

8 Do more… better Use the situational “teaching” model… for each purpose and person effectively There are times for each… Directing – Let me explain exactly what I need Coaching – Tell me what you think about this Supporting – What do you suggest Delegating – Let me know if you need help

9 Remember the Acronyms LEAD FAST KISS SMART COACH

10 Getting the Best from Providers Establish what the needs are with the team and assist in meeting them Provide training in small and regular doses Follow-up on training activities for value and implementation Give staff chances to use and increase expertise by sharing with others Use opportunities to share the vision’s success with staff… remember staff also learn from mistakes Use no cost rewards for performance first Communicate regularly… and personally Recognize what effects your motivation also effects theirs

11 Increase Self-Evaluation and Mentoring- Joining in Biweekly self checks Monthly mentoring pairs (observation, coffee dates, video review) Director observations each semester Coaching for new staff across model Video review and discussion at team meetings

12 Review Routinely Don’t lose sight of the vision or the goals Be willing to change based on data Establish a tickler system for evaluating results Use data collected Involve staff in decision making with the data Share data with families about their child and the program Review effects of staff development and coaching

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