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University of Minnesota Medical School Specialty Series Alisa Duran-Nelson MD Residency Program Director Internal Medicine January 28 th, 2014 Internal.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Minnesota Medical School Specialty Series Alisa Duran-Nelson MD Residency Program Director Internal Medicine January 28 th, 2014 Internal."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Minnesota Medical School Specialty Series Alisa Duran-Nelson MD Residency Program Director Internal Medicine January 28 th, 2014 Internal Medicine- Caring for Adult Populations

2 What criteria are used to select residents or what makes a competitive applicant? -Board scores-Higher makes more competitive. Take step II prior to interview if Step I was lower –Many programs now requiring Step II CK for interview/ranking (CK and CS) –AOA and other honors help, but not necessary –Awards and recognition Gold humanism, research awards –Performance in clinical clerkships IM and other core Med II performance (equivalent of sub I) –Letters of recommendation

3 To be a more competitive applicant? –Research-always helpful. Bench, clinical, educational etc does not really matter. It is the effort that counts. Any publications/posters/presentations that arise from this are a plus –Memberships-ACP, IMIG –Medicine electives-for experience not to be competitive –Volunteerism

4 A day in the life of: –Resident Hours- no more than 16 hrs for interns Ward months- 80 hrs/wk. Consult 50-60hr/wk Call-admit no more than every 3-4 th day –Night float only now –Internist Hospitalist vs clinic –Hospitalists- 1 week on (70-80 hr) and then one week off –Clinic 8 ½ day sessions/wk. Call rotating

5 How many years of training are required? –3 years in length –No prelim year –Subspecialties Cardiology, GI, ID, Renal, Pulmonary/Critical Care, Rheumatology, Endocrinology, Heme/Onc Palliative Care Geriatrics Sports medicine General Internal Medicine fellowships +/- advanced degrees (MPH, Masters Clinical Research, Masters of Medical education)

6 To find out more about specialty -- Alisa Duran-Nelson MD Program Director –James Nixon MD Vice Chair –Briar Duffy MD, MS Clerkship Director –Website- –Societies-American College of Physicians

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