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Warm-up What do you know about waves? Don’t say nothing!!

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up What do you know about waves? Don’t say nothing!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up What do you know about waves? Don’t say nothing!!
Give me at least two sentences

2 What are waves? Coordinated Science

3 What are waves? A wave is a periodic disturbance that carries energy A “medium” is the matter that the wave travels through. Waves carry energy without carrying matter.

4 In water waves, water molecules bump each other and pass energy from molecule to molecule to create a wave. Ball pass example.

5 Forms of Waves (slinky example)
Compressional Waves The wave energy moves forwards and backwards in the direction that the wave is traveling. Transverse Waves The wave energy causes the matter move in an S-formation.

6 Crest and Trough Crest trough

7 Amplitude Amplitude: The measure of how high the crests are or how low the troughs are from the rest point in the middle. The more energy the higher the amplitude

8 Wavelength The distance from the top of one crest to the top of the next.

9 Frequency the number of wavelengths that pass a given point in 1 second. The unit of measure is hertz. (Hz)

10 Draw a wave with a small frequency:
Draw a wave with a large frequency:

11 Answer the following questions in your journal:
Picture Wave #1 (any way you want) Wave #2 higher amplitude than Wave #1 Wave #3 higher wave length than Wave #1 Draw each wave you make and label the following on each wave: crest , trough, amplitude, and wavelength Answer the following questions in your journal: Did you make a compressional or transverse wave? How do you know? Which wave do you think took more energy to make? Wave #1 or wave #2?

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