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2014 Workshop and Plenary Nick Malik CAEAP – Center for the Advancement of the EA Profession.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Workshop and Plenary Nick Malik CAEAP – Center for the Advancement of the EA Profession."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Workshop and Plenary Nick Malik CAEAP – Center for the Advancement of the EA Profession

2 2014 Workshop and Plenary Logistics again Reminder of ground rules Present Agenda for day two Consensus on ground rules Goal: To build a strong base for collaboration

3 2014 Workshop and Plenary We have a shared one-note open at all times. Location is: !399&authkey=!AJtAc37ko13jrrM We will be taking notes in the room Online folks may track the notes EDITING BY ONLINE PARTICIPANTS IS ALLOWED We also have a Lync session running for all presentations Use the Instant Messaging feature of Lync to ask questions or interrupt the discussion at any time.

4 2014 Workshop and Plenary Brainstorm wide, then focus There are no bad ideas… but Ideas outside the career path will be captured for later Captured ideas will be reviewed by Andy and Nick and may be discussed in the plenary If a majority of the room votes to table a discussion, it will be tabled Disagree but commit – Feel free to discuss, disagree, and challenge ideas. Once agreement is reached, back it

5 2014 Workshop and Plenary SessionStartDurWhoTitle 2.18:30a30Nick MalikRecap of the deliverables expected for the effort 2.29:00a30Jeffrey WallkTechnologies for ongoing collaboration 2.39:30a30Brenda ByersProcess for completing the Competency List 2.410:00a30Sandra HoskinsProcess for completing Roles and Competencies 2.510:30a30Nick MalikProcess for completing Guide to a Career in EA Break11:00a10 > 2.611:10a25Sandra HoskinsWrap up for the workshop. Dates and assignments, action items 2.711:35a25Nick MalikConclusion and feedback Lunch12:0060

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