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1 Teacher Registration in South Australia Teacher Registration in South Australia.

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1 1 Teacher Registration in South Australia Teacher Registration in South Australia

2 2 Outline of the session What is Teacher Registration all about? What is Teacher Registration all about? What are the functions of the Teachers Registration Board? What are the functions of the Teachers Registration Board? The Board is a Statutory Authority – What does this mean? The Board is a Statutory Authority – What does this mean? Registration Registration Contact details for the TRB Contact details for the TRB Questions Questions

3 3 Either think of a teacher who you regarded highly as a teacher (from when you were in pre-school, primary or secondary school) or think of the teacher you would like to teach your own children. Either think of a teacher who you regarded highly as a teacher (from when you were in pre-school, primary or secondary school) or think of the teacher you would like to teach your own children.

4 4 Take a moment to think………… Take a moment to think………… A) What are their ‘stand out’ attributes/qualities as a person? A) What are their ‘stand out’ attributes/qualities as a person? B) Which of their professional ‘teacher’ attributes/qualities do you regard highly? B) Which of their professional ‘teacher’ attributes/qualities do you regard highly?

5 5 “Establish and maintain a teacher registration system and professional standards for teachers to safeguard the public interest in there being a teaching profession whose members are competent educators and fit and proper persons to have the care of children.” “Establish and maintain a teacher registration system and professional standards for teachers to safeguard the public interest in there being a teaching profession whose members are competent educators and fit and proper persons to have the care of children.” Object of the Teachers Registration and Standards Act 2004 Object of the Teachers Registration and Standards Act 2004 What is Teacher Registration all about?

6 6 What are the functions of the Teachers Registration Board?

7 7 (a) Administer provisions of the Teachers Registration and Standards Act 2004 and the Teachers Registration and Standards Regulations 2005 (a) Administer provisions of the Teachers Registration and Standards Act 2004 and the Teachers Registration and Standards Regulations 2005

8 8 (b) Promote the teaching profession and professional standards for teachers

9 9 (c) Confer and collaborate with teacher education institutions with respect to the appropriateness for registration purposes of teacher education courses (c) Confer and collaborate with teacher education institutions with respect to the appropriateness for registration purposes of teacher education courses

10 10 (d) Confer and collaborate with teacher employers, the teaching profession, teacher unions or other organisations and other bodies and persons with respect to requirements for teacher registration and professional and other standards for teachers (d) Confer and collaborate with teacher employers, the teaching profession, teacher unions or other organisations and other bodies and persons with respect to requirements for teacher registration and professional and other standards for teachers

11 11 Code of Ethics (b) Continued The Code of Ethics articulates the three core values South Australian teachers highlighted as underpinning the teaching profession in South Australia: integrity, respect and responsibility. The Code is not intended as an instrument of compliance but as a framework to assist teachers to reflect on decision-making and ethical issues.

12 12 Teaching Standards for Registration (b) continued 3 Core Principles – 9 Standards (b) continued 3 Core Principles – 9 Standards Professional Relationships – Professional Knowledge – Professional Practice Professional Relationships – Professional Knowledge – Professional Practice 1. Professional & Collegial Learning 2. Learner Respect 3. Parent/caregiver & Community Partnerships 4. Learning Processes 5. Learning Content 6. Learner Context 7. Planning & Teaching 8. Feedback & Reporting 9. Learning Environment

13 13 (e) Confer and collaborate with other teacher regulatory authorities to ensure effective national exchange of information and promote uniformity and consistency in the regulation of the teaching profession within Australia and New Zealand (e) Confer and collaborate with other teacher regulatory authorities to ensure effective national exchange of information and promote uniformity and consistency in the regulation of the teaching profession within Australia and New Zealand

14 14 (f) Keep the teaching profession, professional standards for teachers and other measures for the regulation of the profession under review and introduce change or provide advice to the Minister as appropriate. (f) Keep the teaching profession, professional standards for teachers and other measures for the regulation of the profession under review and introduce change or provide advice to the Minister as appropriate.

15 15 The Board is a Statutory Authority – What does this mean?

16 16 Independent Statutory Authority Independent Statutory Authority  Responsible for the registration of all teachers in South Australia  The TRB remains independent of all employers of teachers  Not affiliated with DECS, Catholic Education or Independent Schools  Important to remember when changing contact details – an employer does not forward this information to the Board’s office.

17 17 Membership of the Board 16 members appointed by the Governor Not less than half must be registered teachers Not less than half must be registered teachers Independent Chairperson nominated by the Minister Independent Chairperson nominated by the Minister Tertiary Sector (1) Legal (1) Parent (1) Tertiary Sector (1) Legal (1) Parent (1) Employers of teachers :– DECS (3) Independent sector (AISSA) (1) Catholic sector (1) Employers of teachers :– DECS (3) Independent sector (AISSA) (1) Catholic sector (1) AEU (5 elected reps) IEU (2) AEU (5 elected reps) IEU (2) All nominees are appointed and gazetted All nominees are appointed and gazetted

18 18 Registration  Requirement to be Registered: for all who undertake employment as a teacher, principal, director at a pre-school, school or recognised kindergarten  Gain Entry To The Register of Teachers (Provisional Registration): must meet 4 year qualifications, professional standards, fitness and propriety & mandatory notification eligibility requirements to be registered for up to three years  Change of Registered Status: from Provisional Registration to Registered Status: application upon satisfactory completion of 1 year (200 teaching days) in Australia or New Zealand  Continuing Registration: On application to renew teacher registration every three years, teachers must satisfy the Board that they meet professional standards and all other requirements including fitness and propriety and Mandatory Notification Training requirements.

19 19 Urgent Registration preparation: Evidence of English language proficiency - requirements as of 1 March 2011 Evidence of English language proficiency - requirements as of 1 March 2011 Overseas Criminal History Checks - Overseas Criminal History Checks - Proof of Identity – full birth certificate Proof of Identity – full birth certificate Overseas qualifications – assessment of qualifications before application for registration Overseas qualifications – assessment of qualifications before application for registration Translation of documents into English Translation of documents into English Fitness and Propriety Declarations Fitness and Propriety Declarations Registration Fees on application Registration Fees on application

20 20 Lodging an Application Lodging an Application Be prepared Any matters which require forward planning attend to soon Lodge your application for registration as a teacher Lodge your application for registration as a teacher EARLY, well before the completion of your program – as the process can take time There is no closing date.

21 21 For assistance contact the Board’s office: Teachers Registration Board of S.A. Postal Address: PO Box 3649 Rundle Mall Office: Level 6, 70 Pirie Street Adelaide SA 5000 Telephone: 08 8226 2666 Fax: 08 8226 2667

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