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Chapter 14 The Seven Deadly Logical Sins Tim Holmes, Thomas Kim, Joseph Heyman.

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1 Chapter 14 The Seven Deadly Logical Sins Tim Holmes, Thomas Kim, Joseph Heyman

2 Using Logic as a Shield  Focuses on most common logical fallacies Bad Proof Bad Conclusion Disconnect between proof and conclusion  7 major categories: “Seven Deadly Sins”  Each Sin contains several fallacies One “common fallacy” per section

3 1. The False Comparison  Two things are similar, so they must be the same  Specific Fallacy: Appeal to Popularity “Because all the other kids get to, I should, too ” Premise fails to prove conclusion  “Why don’t you drive me to school? All the other parents drive their kids to school.”

4 2. The Bad Example  Used example is false, unbelievable, irrelev ant, or wrongly interpreted  Specific Fallacy: Misinterpreting the Evide nce “Seeing all those crimes on TV makes me want to lock up my kids and never let them out” Examples don’t support the conclusion  “That intern from Yale was great. Let’s get another Yalie”

5 3. Ignorance as Proof  Argument claims the lack of examples pro ves something doesn’t exist  Specific fallacy: The Fallacy of Ignorance “There’s nothing wrong with you. The lab tests came back negative.” If we can’t prove it, it doesn’t exist; inverse is a lso true  “the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence” –George Bush

6 4. The Tautology  The proof and the conclusion are the same thing  Specific Fallacy: The tautology “The cowboys are favored to win since they’re the better team.” The same thing being repeated in different wo rds  “If you die without a will, you’ll die intestat e!”

7 5. The False Choice  Number of choices you’re given is not the number of choices that actually exist  Specific fallacy: Many Questions “Do you support government-financed abortio ns and a woman’s right to choice?” 2+ issues get squashed into one, so that a conc lusion proves another conclusion  “What did the president know, and when d id he know it?”

8 6. The Red Herring  Distraction of the audience to make it forg et what the main issue is about  Specific Fallacy: The Chewbacca Defense “If the glove doesn’t fit, the jury must acquit!” Switching issues mid-argument to throw off th e audience  “Some activists will only see another oppor tunity to push government as parent, but p arents make the best decisions...”

9 7. The Wrong Ending  The proof fails to lead to the conclusion  Specific Fallacy: The Slippery Slope “If I let you skip dinner, then I’ll have to let th e other kids skip dinner” The logic that one thing will inevitable lead to another  “Affirmative action is needed because cam puses are so white”


11 Ch.15 Call a Foul

12  “Rhetoric is an open palm, dialectic a closed fist.” - Zeno-  This chapter tells the reader about the ways to determine if an argument is inarguable and how to “stay in bounds” of any argument.

13  If the person in charge asks for something or wants something done, then it must be good.  One must rely on logos and ethos for assurance.  Anything that keeps from creating a satisfactory conclusion renders the argument useless. 1. Fallacy of Power

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15  When using a deliberative argument, the only foul is either stopping the argument entirely or turning it into a fight.  The proof must lead to the choice.  Use purely logos. 2. Fine Nixonian

16  Appeal to popularity-deals with the ethos and pathos characters.  “A tactic that wins a logical argument will... lose a political one (Heinrichs, 161).”  Gaining the higher moral ground helps win the argument that is dominated by logic. 3. Spock For President

17  Tense switched from future  Inflexible insistence on the rules  Humiliation  Innuendo  Threats  Nasty language or signs  Utter stupidity 4. 7 Rhetoric out of bounds

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