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Facets: Fast Comprehensive Mining of Coevolving High-order Time Series Hanghang TongPing JiYongjie CaiWei FanQing He Joint Work by Presenter:Wei Fan.

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Presentation on theme: "Facets: Fast Comprehensive Mining of Coevolving High-order Time Series Hanghang TongPing JiYongjie CaiWei FanQing He Joint Work by Presenter:Wei Fan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facets: Fast Comprehensive Mining of Coevolving High-order Time Series Hanghang TongPing JiYongjie CaiWei FanQing He Joint Work by Presenter:Wei Fan

2 Arizona State University Ubiquitous Coevolving * Time Series 2 a) Room condition monitoring in a smart building b) Intelligent transportation systems d) Climate Monitoring c) Stock Market *a.k.a. multivariate in statistics

3 Arizona State University Challenges  C1. High-order  C2. Contextual constraints  C3. Temporal smoothness 3

4 Arizona State University Challenges  C1. High-order Multiple sources, multiple types, e.g., – sensor, humidity, temperature, light, … – vehicle, trace location (x, y), speed, … – stock, max price, min price, volume,… – latitude, longitude, temperature, wind, … 4 sensor time humidity light temperature Voltage Latitude Longitude Metrics Latitude Longitude Metrics Latitude Longitude Metrics t=1 t=2 … t=T

5 Arizona State University Challenges  C2. Contextual constraints 5 (a) A Simplified Sensor Network. 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.2 (b) Measured Temperature Time Series. The time series are inter-connected with each other by its embedded network. sensor time humidity light temperature Voltage

6 Arizona State University Challenges  C2. Contextual constraints 6 The time series are inter-connected with each other by its embedded network. sensor time humidity light temperature Voltage (a) Network of Types.(b) Time Series of Room Conditions. Humidity Light Voltage Temperature time

7 Arizona State University Challenges  C3. Temporal smoothness 7 Correlated adjacent values Anomaly Intuition: || X t+1 - X t || is expected to be small

8 Arizona State University Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) 8 Coevolving time seriesMatrix representation X t1t1 t2t2 t7t7 t17t17 21.5……… 11…1.210.9…… 1.71.5……… 21…4.95.76…… 0.70.6…55.55.8…… 1.30.4……2.733.3… 1.80.8……33.43.7… t8t8 t9t9 t 18 t 19 … … … TS 1 TS 2 TS 3 TS 4 TS 5 TS 6 TS 7 Morning rush hours 1 5 9 13 17 21 Time Traffic Volume Afternoon rush hours

9 Arizona State University SVD (cont.)  Singular vectors for correlation detection 9 ≈ × × ……… …1.210.9…… ……… …4.95.76…… …55.55.8…… ……2.733.3… ……33.43.7… 370 011.5 0.270.52 0.20.45 0.270.51 0.47-0.32 0.41-0.39 0.44-0.08 0.49-0.04 … …0.180.19 … …-0.15-0.22-0.26-0.27…0.290.340.36… MR: Morning rush hours AR: Afternoon rush hours AR MR + AR P1P1 P2P2 strength of P 1 strength of P 2 TS 1 TS 2 TS 3 TS 4 TS 5 TS 6 TS 7 Limitations: C1. High-order C2. Contextual Information C3. Temporal Smoothness P1P1 P2P2 U Σ Z X MR AR

10 Arizona State University Related Work  Tensor decomposition – Tucker, CANDECOMP/PARAFAC, HOSVD, [Sun2006], [Xiong2010], …  Low rank matrix factorization – SVD, PCA, [Mnih2007], [Ma2008], [Yao2014],… – Dynamic matrix factorization with temporal factor [Chua2013], [Sun2012], [Li2009], [Cai2015],…  Time series mining – [Shieh2008], [Matsubara2014], … 10 Lack of comprehensiveness in tackling all the three challenges

11 Arizona State University Outline  Motivation  Facets: address all the three challenges  Experiments  Conclusion 11

12 Arizona State University C1. High-order: Tucker Decomposition  M-order Time series tensors:  Define 12 N1N1 N2N2 N3N3 L1L1 L2L2 L3L3 time series latent factor coefficient matrix Intuition: grouping effect on each mode #1

13 Arizona State University C2. Contextual Constraints  Embedded contextual networks  For each 13 ≈ × coefficient matrixcontextual latent factorcontextual network Intuition: well-connected  more likely to share similar low-rank factors #2

14 Arizona State University Address C1 and C2 14 N1N1 N2N2 N3N3 L1L1 L2L2 L3L3

15 Arizona State University C3. Temporal Smoothness  Define : multilinear to 15 … Intuition: successive observations are highly correlated. #3

16 Arizona State University Put It All Together - Facets 16 #3 #2 #1 high-order time series #1 contextual constraints #2 temporal smoothness #3

17 Arizona State University Proposed Optimization Algorithm  Key idea: EM algorithm  Infer latent factors and – Vectorization and matricization – Forward and backward algorithms 17 N1N1 N2N2 N3N3 N1N2N3N1N2N3 T vectorize

18 Arizona State University Proposed Optimization Algorithm (cont.)  Update parameters – At each iteration, keep other U fixed, update U (m) and other parameters – Same for B (m)  Properties – Converge to a local optimum – Time complexity: Linear in T 18 mode-m matricizing N1N1 N2N2 N3N3 mode-1 matricizing N1N1 N2N3N2N3

19 Arizona State University Special case: M=1 19 ……… …1.210.9…… ……… …4.95.76…… …55.55.8…… ……2.733.3… ……33.43.7… ≈ TS 1 TS 2 TS 3 TS 4 TS 5 TS 6 TS 7 × 2.4-0.74 1.99-0.8 2.36-0.72 0.933.26 0.53.28 1.462.26 1.752.36 ……1.491.641.71… …1.231.461.58…… P1P1 P2P2 TS 1 TS 2 TS 3 TS 4 TS 5 TS 6 TS 7 P1P1 P2P2 t7t7 t17t17 t8t8 t9t9 t 18 t 19 … … … Morning rush hours 1 5 9 13 17 21 Time Traffic Volume Afternoon rush hours AR MR ≈ TS 1 TS 2 TS 3 TS 4 TS 5 TS 6 TS 7 P1P1 P2P2 TS 1 TS 2 TS 3 TS 4 TS 5 TS 6 TS 7 2.4-0.74 1.99-0.8 2.36-0.72 0.933.26 0.53.28 1.462.26 1.752.36 111-0.12-0.30.3 111-0.12-0.30.3 111-0.12-0.30.3 -0.12 110.7 -0.3 110.7 0.3 0.7 11 0.3 0.7 11 TS 1TS 2TS 3TS 4TS 5TS 6TS 7 contextual network coevolving time series P1P1 P2P2 TS 1 TS 2 TS 3 TS 4 TS 5 TS 6 TS 7 0.37-0.14 0.37-0.14 0.37-0.14 0.040.28 -0.020.31 0.210.2 0.210.2 × T X U Z S U V Y. Cai, H. Tong, W. Fan, and P. Ji. Fast mining of a network of coevolving time series. In SDM, 2015. Unable to deal with high-order (C1) time series

20 Arizona State University Outline  Motivation  Facets: address all the three challenges  Experiments  Conclusion 20

21 Arizona State University Experimental Evaluations  Parameter Sensitivity – how robust is our Facets algorithm?  Effectiveness – how accurate is our Facets algorithm in terms of imputation and prediction?  Efficiency – how does our Facets algorithm scale w.r.t. T ? – what is the computational cost comparing to other methods? 21

22 Arizona State University Parameter Sensitivity (a) Impact of L(b) Impact of λ 22  L: dimensions of latent factors. – RMSE stabilizes after L reaches [15, 3].  λ: weight to control the contribution of contextual network

23 Arizona State University Effectiveness Results I Evaluation of missing value recovery. Lower is better 23 (a) SST (b) SPMD Ours

24 Arizona State University A Case Study – One Trip Instance 24 (a) 90% training data(b) 50% training data (c) 10% training data(d) 1% training data

25 Arizona State University Effectiveness Results II 25 (a) SST(b) SPMD Evaluation of prediction. Lower is better Ours

26 Arizona State University Scalability  T: the length of time series 26

27 Arizona State University Efficiency 27 (a) Imputation on SST(b) Prediction on SPMD

28 Arizona State University Conclusion 28  Net-HiTs: a network of high-order time series  Main contributions – Model formulation high-order time series + contextual constraints + temporal smoothness – Algorithm EM algorithm Linear scalability in the length of time series – Empirical evaluation outperform all the existing competitors

29 Arizona State University29 Thank you!Q & A

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