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Why English is popular? Выполнила ученица 8 «А» класса Краюшкина Елизавета.

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Presentation on theme: "Why English is popular? Выполнила ученица 8 «А» класса Краюшкина Елизавета."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why English is popular? Выполнила ученица 8 «А» класса Краюшкина Елизавета

2 English is popular because a lot of people the world speak English. This language is simple enough, compared to Russian or Chinese. English pronunciation is simple too. It is suitable for most people.

3 Historical and geographical reasons In the course of the history the British settled their colonies around the world. America, Australia were the largest colonies, so in these countries people now speak the English language. The USA and Canada are the largest countries in North America, and they are English-speaking countries too. Australia is an English speaking continent.

4 Socio-cultural reasons Considering the history of world cinema, we should say that in the early twentieth century, America began to play a major role in the creation of feature films, and because of it the dominant place in the film industry took English.

5 Economic and political reasons The emergence of USA as a leading economic power helped spread of English in the banking, scientific, industrial, technical and other spheres of life. English became an incredibly driving force for progress and a way to cooperate

6 These are a few reasons for the popularity of the English language, so to say a top of an iceberg. When you desire to know more - read the book by David Crystal.

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