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CHAPTER 15 Organization Development Practices.

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1 CHAPTER 15 Organization Development Practices

2 Chapter 15 – Organization Development Practices
Chapter Outline • Introduction • Variations in OD Practices • Core OD Practices • Organization Focused OD Practices • Work-Process Focused OD Practices • Group-Focused OD Practices • Individual Focused OD Practices • Conclusion • Reflection Questions

3 Variations in OD Practices
• Expected Results from OD Interventions • OD in Relation to the Host Organization • OD Process Expertise

4 Core OD Practices • OD Revolves around the Change Process.
• Trust and Integrity in OD • OD dynamics in Practice

5 Organization Focused OD Practices
• Organization Strategy and Culture Practices • Planning for the Future Practices

6 Work-Process Focused OD Practices
• Process improvement Practices • Benchmarking Practices

7 Group-Focused OD Practices
• Cross-Cultural Team Building Practices • Group Conflict Practices

8 Individual Focused OD Practices
• 360-Degree Feedback Practices • Career Development Assessment Center Practices • Coaching Practices

9 Chapter 15 Reflection Questions
1. What are three principles of good OD practice? Identify an organization with which you are familiar and briefly describe it. 3. Speculate as to how that organization’s mission would impact the OD practices. 4. What are two to four major implications of having an OD effort in a single site location versus ten sites across the nation? 5. When does work process- versus group-focused OD make sense? 6. How do career development and OD connect? 7. Discuss how can OD tools and techniques could be used for unethical ends.

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