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The Skeleton Function & Bones.

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Presentation on theme: "The Skeleton Function & Bones."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Skeleton Function & Bones

2 Skeleton How many bones in the body??
Does anyone know any bones in the body??


4 Why do we have bones?? Support – if we had no bones we would be a pile of jelly!

5 Why do we have bones?? Movement – Allow use to walk, run etc.
Protection – Protects our inner organs.

6 The Skeleton Types of Joints

7 Skeletal Joints Song

8 What are joints? Joints are where bones meet & they allow for movement. Some examples are the skull, hip, shoulder, knee, elbow.

9 Hinge Joints Allows movement in one direction only.
Examples include the elbow & knee

10 Ball & Socket Joints Allow movement in many directions.
Examples include the hip [between hip (socket) & top of femur (ball)] & the shoulder.

11 Fused Joint No movement between the bones that meet.
An example is the skull. The skull protects your brain

12 Ligaments Join bone to bone

13 Questions. Name the 3 types of joints & their function.
Give an example of each. What does the term ligament mean?

14 Structure of Synovial Joint
The Skeleton Structure of Synovial Joint

15 Ligament! What is a ligament from the last class??
Ligament joins bone to bone.

16 Synovial Joint A movable joint. Examples include elbow, knee, hip.

17 Synovial Joint Structure

18 Cartilage = A shock absorbing cushion that prevents friction between the bones.
Synovial Fluid = Lubricates the joint to allow for easy movement. *Cartilage can be found in the spine & prevents vertebrae rubbing off each other.*

19 Synovial Joint Structure

20 Draw a labelled diagram of the Synovial Joint in your copy.

21 The Skeleton Antagonistic Muscles

22 Antagonistic muscles video

23 Tendon Connects muscle to bone.

24 What does Antagonistic mean??
Antagonistic = Opposing/competing. Antagonistic muscles work opposite one another. They work in pairs

25 An Antagonistic Pair

26 Experiment. Hold your arm out straight.
Which muscle contracted & which on relaxed?? The Bicep relaxed & the tricep contracted.

27 Experiment. Now hold your arm out straight & bend your elbow.
Which muscle contracted & which relaxed? The Bicep contracted & the Tricep relaxed.


29 Define antagonistic muscle.
What happens when you hold your arm out straight? What happens when you then bend your elbow? What is a tendon?

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