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Chapter 4: Cultural Geography. Cultural Geography Describes everything about the way people live: Clothes Diet Artifacts “a thing made by skill” Customs.

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1 Chapter 4: Cultural Geography

2 Cultural Geography Describes everything about the way people live: Clothes Diet Artifacts “a thing made by skill” Customs – patterns of behavior Interpersonal arrangements, family structure, educational methods Culture is not static – constantly changing Forces of cultural change Evolutionism - sources of change are embedded in culture Diffusionism – cultures spread and are adapted

3 Theories of Cultural Evolution Theory of human stages Marcus Tarentius Varro (Roman General 116-27 B.C.) Hunter-gatherers Pastoral nomadism  Transhumanance – regular and seasonal movements Settled agriculture Subsistence and commercial agriculture Historical materialism – technology has increased human’s control over the environment Karl Marx – founder of theory Technology and human progressive control of the environment would increase abundance for all Cornucopian View Conflicts with Malthusianism


5 Cultures and Environments Environmental determinism - human events can be entirely explained by the effects of the environment Cultural ecology - societies adapt to their environment Challenge-response theory (Toynbee) – a difficult environment causes people to build a civilization Possibilism - Physical environment influences, but does not control, human events, choices and constraints are based on cultural, economic, political and technological factors

6 Cultural Diffusion (Causes) Global communication, transportation, trade Circulation – interconnectedness, use of materials from around the world Clark Wissler Geographical culture centers Places where cultures are developed One of the founders of cultural anthropology, professor at Yale Diffusion does not explain all distributions – phenomenon can occur independently & spontaneously (concept of zero conceived by Mayans and Hindus)

7 Folk Culture Cultures that preserve traditions – often bound by distinctive, religion, nationality, or language Characteristics Conservative, resistant to change, distinctive religions Urban folk cultures Immigrant groups – preserving native culture Examples Diffusion of house types in the US Amish


9 Popular Culture Culture of people who embrace innovation and conform to changing norms Rapid diffusion Mass culture Food, clothing, items that are mass produced “Mass taste” = some loss of individuality and cultural identity Geographic variation of market penetration Marketing of popular culture



12 Identity & Behavioral Geography Culture groups Few or many characteristics in common (can share language or many characteristics) Subculture – Italian Americans, Eagles Fans Races - concept is open to question Humans are a single species Secondary biological characteristics – blood types (eat right for your type) Ethnic groups Ethnocentrism – judging other cultures by one’s own standards

13 Behavioral Geography Subfield of cultural geography Studies our perception of the world around us and how our perception influences our behavior Walter Lippman World outside – the way things really are Pictures in our head – may be based on preconceptions Cognitive Behavioralism theory People react to the environment as they perceive it

14 Culture Realms (Regions) – entire area where a culture prevails Delineation/ definition of regions Visual clues Settlement patterns Architecture Clothing Regionalism – share particular characteristics




18 Trade & Cultural Diffusion Stabilizing forces Infrastructure – people’s fixed assets in a place (pipelines, highways, airports, housing, etc.) Inertia –the force that keeps things stable Historical Geography – studies the past and how geographical distributions have changed Impact of trade Economic geography – study of how people make their living, how economies develop, and what people trade. Historical Consciousness – a people sense of their own history

19 Impact of World Trade Self sufficiency /cultural isolation - usually accompany each other Trade & cultural change Systems of production and change Felt needs – things people begin to think they need Specialization of production – trade leads to this.

20 Acceleration of Diffusion Travel and transportation Friction of distance has decreased over the last two hundred years Movement of information Annihilation of space caused by the electronic highway Cyberspace – extension of reality through global electronic means Clash of civilizations Shatterbelts – areas where distinct cultures meet might experience virtually unending strife.


22 Relative World Coverage in New York Times for two months in 2003

23 European Culture Pervasive Western model Consumer goods Education Technology Housing Presumption of superiority Acculturation of Western life

24 Voyages of Contact World exploration and conquest Impact of Chinese initiative European seaborne empires Commercial Revolution Global diffusion Europe as clearinghouse of info and products Relocation of goods and services

25 Major European Voyages of Exploration

26 Europe’s Increased Power Industrial Revolution (1750-1850 in Europe) Increased productivity Steam Engine Exploration and conquest Stimulated industry Money economy Creation of stock markets Agricultural Revolution Created labor supply for industry



29 Cultural Imperialism – substitution of one set of cultural traditions for another, by force or be degrading those who fail to acculturate Systematic eradication of native culture – government schools, Christian missionaries Imposition of Western culture Reference group behavior – people who wish to belong to the dominant group abandon their traditions Self-Westernization Japan, China, Turkey – to some degree saved them from western rule Internal colonialism – westernized elite

30 Westernization Today Dress and lifestyle as status symbols – young and wealthy are often the most cosmopolitan Role of media Implanting Western values TV programs, movies, videos Tourism – indigenous people exposed to western culture, often make places tourist friendly Education – elite educated at western Universities

31 America’s Role World view of America Military power Role of global peacekeeper (troops in 148 countries, 2001) Sole superpower – spends more money on defense than next ten leading countries combined Economic power About one quarter of world economy Popular culture Most recognized brands Challenging local traditions Political influence

32 Vocab Chapter 4 Custom – repetitive act of the group, performed so that it becomes a characteristic of a group Habit – a repetitive act that a particular individual performs Taboo – restriction on behavior caused by a social custom Terroir – French term referring to the contribution of a location’s distinctive physical features to the way food tastes

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