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April 22, 2014.  TS2 Paper Outline  Key Messages / Recommendations  Technical Session 2 at AMCDRR6  Requested Guidance from IAP.

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Presentation on theme: "April 22, 2014.  TS2 Paper Outline  Key Messages / Recommendations  Technical Session 2 at AMCDRR6  Requested Guidance from IAP."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 22, 2014

2  TS2 Paper Outline  Key Messages / Recommendations  Technical Session 2 at AMCDRR6  Requested Guidance from IAP

3 TS 2: Increase public investments for disaster & climate risk KA4: Gender & inclusion KA2: Integrate SD, CC, & DRR KA 5: Reduce exposure / underlying risk KA 6: Strengthen risk governance & accountability

4  Summary  Overview: Drivers of risk  Managing risk thru public investments ◦ Understanding risk to support resilient public investments ◦ Mitigating financial impact ◦ Disaster risk governance (framework) ◦ Cross-cutting issues: Capacity, urban/rural dual importance, gender  Recommendations Country examples will be included in text boxes throughout the document

5 1. Development plans based on risk information (governance) 2. Increased capacity to analyze risk and apply risk information 3. Governments mitigate the financial impact of disasters 4. Prioritize risk-sensitive investments on areas of greatest current and future risk

6  Cross-sectoral & inclusive coordination  Plans based on risk information  Adaptive management  Resource alignment  Vertical coordination  Measurement

7  Risk assessments from national to local level  Geospatial and data investment  Capacity to apply data/information

8  Policy framework  National tracking system  Resilience financing  Risk financing  Public-private partnerships

9  Urban planning  Urban upgrading  Urban slums

10  Chair Opening: RTG (5 mins)  Overview : (15mins)  Main Session: Managing risk through public investments: Country best practices and challenges (70 mins) 1.Development plans incorporate risk. Japan or Philippines 2.National and local capacity to analyze risk. India or Indonesia 3.Financing resilient investments – Thailand 4.Private sector role in risk transfer – Insurance or Re- insurance company  Plenary Discussion (15 mins)  Finalize Recommendations (10 mins)  Closing by Chair (5 mins)

11  Input from KA leads on recommendations  Incorporate input from IAP members & key stakeholders  Endorsement on proposed structure of session  Nominations of high-level panelists for TS2

12  GFDRR/World Bank ◦ Iwan Gunawan ◦ Ruby Mangunsong  UNDP ◦ Rajesh Sharma ◦ Taimur Khiliji ◦ Sanny Jegillos  USAID ◦ Sheila Roquitte ◦ Harlan Hale

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