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JMA’s routine aerosol observations and Activities in the RRC Ⅱ kohei HONDA Regional Radiation Center (RRC) II (Asia) Global Environment and Marine Department.

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Presentation on theme: "JMA’s routine aerosol observations and Activities in the RRC Ⅱ kohei HONDA Regional Radiation Center (RRC) II (Asia) Global Environment and Marine Department."— Presentation transcript:


2 JMA’s routine aerosol observations and Activities in the RRC Ⅱ kohei HONDA Regional Radiation Center (RRC) II (Asia) Global Environment and Marine Department Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)

3 JMA Aerosol / Turbidity Group _ 3 Sunphotometers _ 1 LIDAR _ 14 Pyrheliometers We are controlling routine aerosol observations with... Satellite data And we are also processing... There is an “Aerosol / Turbidity Group” in the Atmospheric Environment Division of the JMA Headquarters.

4 Sunphotometer Site : Ryori (since 1988) Minamitorishima (since 1995) Yonagunijima (since 1998) Instruments : EKO MS-110 Renewal Plan: PFR(2005-2006) Center wavelength : 368, 500, 675, 778, 862nm Observation time : 3 times / day EKO MS-110 Sunphotometer (Minamitorishima) 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Monthly Mean AOD (Minamitorishima) 1.0 0.5 0.0

5 Calibration The Langley observation has been conducted at the Japan Central Alps (2,612m a.s.l) since 1997. All sunphotometers are calibrated once a year by the Langley method. J0J0 JMA use WORCC to calibration PFR near future.

6 PFR and EKO MS-110 in Ryori PFR in Ryori PFR/EKO Comparison Result upper: AOD lower:  (March to December 2002) JMA has been operating a PFR since 2002 at Ryori in cooperation with the WORCC

7 LIDAR Site : Ryori (39.0 ゚ N , 141.8 ゚ E ) since 2002 Transmitter Wavelength532nm (Nd-YAG) Pulse energy300mJ Pulse repetition10Hz Receiver Lower atmosphereUpper atmosphere Telescope diameter280mm355mm Field of view0.3-3.0mrad0.3-3.0mrad PolarizationP and SP and S Raman wavelength607nm Vertical resolution7.5m7.5m Observation time02-04, 08-09, 14-15, 20-22 (JST) Total 6hours/day The numbers of effective observation are about 25% of all observation by the weather etc. Product Scattering Ratio Depolarization Ratio Extinction coefficient

8 LIDAR output example Monthly mean vertical profiles of scattering ratio at Ryori in 2002

9 ・ Geostational MT-SAT 1 SEP 2005 ~ GOES-9 22 May 2003 ~ 31 Aug 2005 GMS-5 18 Dec 2001 ~ 21 May 2003 ・ Polar orbital NOAA-16 8 May 2002 ~ Analysis of satellite data Strong influence of Siberian forest fire

10 Aerosol Transport Model _ JMA has started Kosa (Asian dust) prediction since Jan., 2004. Prediction Synop report

11 Activities of the RRC Japan _R_Regional Radiation Center (Asia/Japan) _M_Maintenance of Standard Instrument _P_Pyrheliometer Intercomparison(Asia) _N_National Radiation Center(Japan) _J_JMA Radiation Network & Observation _B_Baseline Surface Radiation Network (Tateno / Tsukuba & Syowa / Antarctic ) _R_Radiation Observation Planning in JMA

12 (MS-53) working at each station (CH-1) Pyrheliometer Observation: 14 sites in operation 3 times (09, 12, 15 LAT) per day since 1930 Instruments: Kipp&Zonen CH-1 (8 stations) EKO MS-53 (6 stations) Product: Feussner-Dubois's Turbidity Coefficient (PMO-6) (A-HF) regional (RA-II) standard (HF) national standard

13 Pyrheliometer Intercomparison (Tsukuba/Japan,20-30 Jan. 1997)

14 Status of Instruments Quantities Station Method / Instrument s Direct Solar Radiation (14) Pyrheliometer (CH-1:kipp&zonen) s Global Solar Radiation (67) Pyranometer (CM21:Kipp&zonen) s UV Solar Radiation ( 4) Brewer spectral meter (SCI-TEC) s Sun-photo meters ( 3) Sunphotometers (PFR:PMOD) s Sunshine Duration (167) Sun-Tracking type(PREDE)

15 Data Publication Annual Report on Atmospheric and Marine Environment Monitoring (CD-ROM) Data submission to the WDCA(JRC) and WRDC(Russia)

16 Summary _ JMA has routinely observed AOD with sunphotometers at 3 GAW stations since 1998. _ JMA has routinely observed vertical AOD profile with LIDAR at Ryori since 2002. _ JMA has cooperated with PFR trial observation at Ryori. _ JMA has for reporting our data to WDCA since 2003. _ JMA plans to renewal sunphotometer this year.

17 Ryori Thank you for your attention Minamitorishima Yonagunijima

18 JMA Mascot Character Name:[harerun] 晴れるん

19 Solar eclipse ( 3.Oct.2005:Davos) 11:33:45 Nikond50 18-200Zoom (200) ND

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