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ASL CLUB Mrs. Bencak Mrs. Greene. Welcome T-Shirt: only one person has ordered the t-shirt. We need six orders before we can have the shirt printed. If.

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Presentation on theme: "ASL CLUB Mrs. Bencak Mrs. Greene. Welcome T-Shirt: only one person has ordered the t-shirt. We need six orders before we can have the shirt printed. If."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASL CLUB Mrs. Bencak Mrs. Greene

2 Welcome T-Shirt: only one person has ordered the t-shirt. We need six orders before we can have the shirt printed. If six orders are not made by February 11, we will have to cancel the shirt.

3 Review beginning signs Family - mom, dad, boy-girl, marriage, brother- sister, grandpa-grandma,aunt- uncle, baby, single, divorced-separatemomdadboy-girl, marriagebrother- sistergrandpa-grandmaaunt- unclebabysingledivorced-separate Places - home, work, school, store, church, come- go, car/drive, in-out, with,homeworkschoolstorechurchcome- gocar/drivein-outwith Time - day, night, week, month, year, will-(future), before- (in the past), today-(now), finish-("all done!")daynightweekmonthyearwill-(future)before- (in the past)today-(now)finish-("all done!" Temperature - hot, coldhot, cold Food - pizza, milk, hamburger, hot dog, egg, apple, cheese, drink, spoon, fork, cup, cereal, water, candy, cookie, hungrypizzamilkhamburgerhot dogeggapplecheesedrinkspoon, forkcupcerealwatercandy, cookie,hungry Clothes - shirt, pants, socks, shoes, coat,shirtpantssocksshoescoat

4 Making sentences with ASL American Sign Language uses different grammatical structures depending upon what is being talked about. One common structure is called topic-comment sentence structure or object-subject-verb (OSV) sentence structure. Example: STORE ME GO Example: ME GO STORE (I am going to the store.) Both examples are acceptable.

5 Making sentences with ASL cont… Now we will practice making sentences with the beginning signs that you already know. Everyone can work in groups of 3-4 to make at least 10 sentences. Sign the sentences as you go.

6 Review beginning signs Family - mom, dad, boy-girl, marriage, brother- sister, grandpa-grandma,aunt- uncle, baby, single, divorced-separatemomdadboy-girl, marriagebrother- sistergrandpa-grandmaaunt- unclebabysingledivorced-separate Places - home, work, school, store, church, come- go, car/drive, in-out, with,homeworkschoolstorechurchcome- gocar/drivein-outwith Time - day, night, week, month, year, will-(future), before- (in the past), today-(now), finish-("all done!")daynightweekmonthyearwill-(future)before- (in the past)today-(now)finish-("all done!" Temperature - hot, coldhot, cold Food - pizza, milk, hamburger, hot dog, egg, apple, cheese, drink, spoon, fork, cup, cereal, water, candy, cookie, hungrypizzamilkhamburgerhot dogeggapplecheesedrinkspoon, forkcupcerealwatercandy, cookie,hungry Clothes - shirt, pants, socks, shoes, coat,shirtpantssocksshoescoat

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