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 What are some characteristics of individuals who have autism?

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2  What are some characteristics of individuals who have autism?

3  Be Prepared To Learn  Cell Phones on Silent  Participate  Have Fun Learning!

4  Define Autism Spectrum Disorder  List factors that may contribute to Autism  Identify characteristics of individuals with ASD  Identify inclusive practices for individuals with ASD

5  Sunshine Game

6  Autism Spectrum Disorder is pervasive developmental disorder that primarily affect social interactions, language, and behavior.  Characteristics of individuals who have ASD vary.

7  There is no specific cause of autism but there are a variety of factors that can result in the disability which include:  Organic Factors: Brain Damage, Genetic Links, Complications during Pregnancy.  Environmental Factors: Toxins, Heavy Metals, Infections, etc.

8  83% of children ages of 6 and 12 identified as having autism were male.  it can be noted that the percentage of children identified as having autism by ethnic group is generally less for each group, with the exception of higher school prevalence rates for Asian/Pacific Islanders and European Americans.

9  Social interaction deficits  Sensory processing issues  Cognitive and perceptual challenges  Speech/Language communication difficulties

10  Individuals who have ASD display a wide variety of abilities along with challenges.  3 Core Deficit Areas commonly recognized:  1) Communication  2) Socialization  3) Repetitive behavior, interests, activities

11  Students will break into two groups. Count off 1-2.  Groups will work together to answer questions.

12  There is ONE single specific cause of Autism.  False

13  Organic Factors include Genetic Links, Brain Damage, and Complications during Pregnancy.  True

14  ASD is a pervasive developmental disorder that primarily affect social interactions, language, and behavior.  True

15  Individuals with ASD all have exactly the same characteristics.  False

16  ASD stands for Awesome Super Duo  False

17  Individuals who have ASD have a limited range of abilities.  False

18  The 3 Core Deficit Areas commonly recognized are Communication, networking, and repetitive behavior, interests, and activities.  False

19  83% of all children between the ages 6 and 12 identified as having autism are male.  True

20  The Environmental Factors that result in ASD are toxins, Heavy Metals, Infections, etc.  True

21  The percentage of children identified as having autism by ethnic group is generally more for each group.  False

22  Social interaction deficit is a characteristics of people with ASD.  True

23  Sensory processing issues is not a characteristic of people with ASD.  False

24  Get into your assigned groups and illustrate how you would accommodate students with your assigned core deficit.  3 Core Deficit Areas commonly recognized:  1) Communication (Banana)  2) Socialization (Orange)  3) Repetitive behavior, interests, activities (Watermelon) Pg. 295, figure 9.3

25  Early Intervention Programs › Teacher observes a student who has characteristics of ASD and schedules an appointment with a special education specialist, the students parents, and an administrator  Promote Inclusive Practices › Peers in a classroom can serve as role models for proper social interaction and ASD students can learn how to socially interact with their classmates  Behavioral Adaptations A critical area of concern for students with ASD will be the implementation of effective behavioral intervention programs, typically included within the generic area of applied behavior analysis.

26  A number of effective, broad-based educational practices: 1. Individualized services for family and child 2. systematic instruction of meaningful skills 3. Reliance on data-based decision making 4. Creation of structural learning environments 5. Specialized curriculum for language and social skills 6. Application to functional approach to understanding problem behavior

27  Define Autism Spectrum Disorder  List factors that may contribute to Autism  Identify characteristics of individuals with ASD  Identify inclusive practices for individuals with ASD


29  Smith, Pollaway, Patton, Dowdy. Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings. 2012.

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