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Co-work with Kerry to Improve Repacking Workflow Date: 1/31/2015 Netgear HK: KW Goh, Ray Lok, Galen Gong.

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Presentation on theme: "Co-work with Kerry to Improve Repacking Workflow Date: 1/31/2015 Netgear HK: KW Goh, Ray Lok, Galen Gong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Co-work with Kerry to Improve Repacking Workflow Date: 1/31/2015 Netgear HK: KW Goh, Ray Lok, Galen Gong

2 2 Background In Kerry Repacking Station, it prints out the carton box label before put all FG units, which are selected from a pool, into carton box. There is very likely that operators select the wrong FG units, which are not belong to that carton box. After that, when the operators manually check the SN on carton box label against SN on giftbox label, the checking process is very time consuming and easily have mistakes. It is because the SN sequence printed on carton box label is not same as the placing giftboxes order in carton box. Objective Within Q1’15, revise and improve the repacking process such that minimize the wrong FG units are put into the wrong carton box effectively.

3 3 Old Process Bottleneck scenariosscenario Carton volume Qty. is 8 Operator should compare 8! = 40,320 times Carton volume Qty. is 10 Operator should compare 10! = 3,628,800 times Carton volume Qty. is 12 Operator should compare 12! = 479,001,600 times If carton volume Qty. over 10, operator need to do more than 3.6 millions comparison manually. This is not a easy job for operator, who can’t make sure each giftbox should be put into the right carton box by comparing SN. Scan N* SN&MAC Print N* giftbox label & 1 Carton Label Add materialsShrinking Wrap Comparing giftbix SN with Carton label SN list Put giftboxes into Carton and adhesive Carton label Bottleneck

4 4 New Process Instead of printing the Carton label before shrink wrap, the new process allow operator pack each unit without special sequence, and once get N giftbox, operator can scan the batch and then print out the corresponding carton label without manually check SN list. The program can help operator compare the SN on carton box and giftbox. It’s time saving, and can make sure the packing without mismatch. Scan 1* SN&MAC Print 1* giftbox label Add materialsShrinking Wrap Scan N* giftbix SN, and print 1 Carton Label Put giftboxes into Carton and adhesive Carton label Auto- Compare

5 5 Conclusion: -QA detected the risk and issue of manually compare SN list -QA made a proposal and write a program for Kerry -Kerry renewed the procedure and setup the auto program New improvement at Kerry

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