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Strategies And Tactics. RIDE Program CD Video Disk(s) Project RIDE Responding to Individual Differences in Education RIDE is a collection of proven,

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies And Tactics. RIDE Program CD Video Disk(s) Project RIDE Responding to Individual Differences in Education RIDE is a collection of proven,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies And Tactics



4 RIDE Program CD Video Disk(s) Project RIDE Responding to Individual Differences in Education RIDE is a collection of proven, practical, and accessible resources designed to help teachers address the needs of students with challenging academic and/or behavioral problems.

5 RIDE The overall goal of Project Ride: To meet the needs of at-risk learners in a manner which is as close to the regular classroom as possible. RIDE provides: Resources for resolving general classroom problems, both behavioral and academic; Prereferral prior to special programs referral; A process for accommodating the student who does not qualify for pull-out programs; and An inclusion option for those returning from special programs.



8 Academic Strategies Reading Writing Task Completion Note Taking Error Monitoring Skills Quality Assignments Time Management







15 Behavioral Tardiness Good Behavior Meter Peer Interventions Aggression – Conflict Manager






21 Video Index


23 Lets take a look at the program

24 The Process Resources for resolving general classroom problems, both behavioral and academic; Prereferral prior to special programs referral; Each Teacher will be asked to consider and implement at least two tactics or strategies before coming to the SAT committee.

25 How To Document

26 Use the SAT Intervention Report to document your usage of RIDE Concept Map for Nonreaders Copying from textbooks Peer Intervention x

27 RIDE Install Procedures Registration Of Program

28 After inserting the RIDE program CD in the drive you will see the following screen:

29 Click that you agree to the License Agreement Click the Next button

30 Click the Next Button to begin the install

31 After the program is installed, an icon will appear on your desktop Double click on the RIDE icon and the program will open

32 RIDE will load on your computer

33 Click the Next Button to begin the install You will need to Register the RIDE program the first time you use it. Click on the Register button

34 Enter the above letters and numbers to register the product RD15CLMGY- 6DYK-EMXS- TQK6 Type the above information in the box on the screen



37 BUT Now We Do Have Something RIDE

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