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Unit 3 Learning Styles Learning Styles Study Strategies LASSI Discussion Assignment Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Learning Styles Learning Styles Study Strategies LASSI Discussion Assignment Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Learning Styles Learning Styles Study Strategies LASSI Discussion Assignment Seminar

2 Agenda for Seminar 3 Check-up Unit 3 assignments Learning Styles Study Strategies LASSI Case Study - Jayden

3 Hello Everyone! I like to start every seminar by asking you to share something good that happened this week! Positive thinking reduces stress!!

4 How’s it going? Are you getting the hang of this? - You found all of the Reading -You used Microsoft Word to get the assignment template from Doc Sharing -You made sure to upload the document and checked that it was: -There (saw the paper icon) -The right document uploaded (Open it and check!) -Named correctly (Used appropriate naming conventions)

5 How’s it going? Submitted your assignment well before Tuesday to reduce stress? Participated at least 3 times in the discussion board and started by Saturday? Clicked on the numeral grades to read my comments and opened the assignment that was returned to you?

6 Unit 3 Deliverables So what is due in Week 3?

7 Discussion this week Learning Styles discussion – Not LASSI (Study Strategies) Take either of the Learning Styles quizzes in the reading section or the discussion section What did you find out about your learning style from the results of the quiz? Does this seem logical to you? How can you use this information to ensure your success in school? Look for tips in the “It’s all about me” video (page 4 of the online reading or in Extra! Extra!) How might this information help you in the workplace?

8 Discussion Tips -Make your initial post by Saturday and then respond to at least 2 classmates (or the additional resources) showing meaningful interaction on two additional and separate days -Post on at least three (3) separate days during the unit -Make responses that build on the ideas of others and relate to the unit material. Refer to what your classmate said, add your perspective or experience, use material from the reading or websites.

9 Discussion Tips Check – Did you answer ALL PARTS of the question? -It is not uncommon for students to get a little off- track and forget to answer the question asked. Make sure this does not happen to you as it can affect your grade. Suggestion: Type it in Microsoft Word -This gives you time to think it through and to correct errors in spelling and/or grammar, which also can affect your grade. -Refer to the copy & paste directions in the announcements.

10 Discussion Grading Rubric 15 pointsAll questions answered 7.5On topic 7.5Demonstrates analysis 10 Response to 1 classmate 10Response to 2 classmates 50Total before deductions Possible deductions: -5Not 100 words -5Main post not by Saturday -3Responses on only 2 days -6Responses on only 1 day -2Spelling errors -2 Grammatical errors -2Punctuation errors

11 Homework assignment this week Use the Assignment pages to find the materials and links You will need to take the LASSI before completing the template Be sure to send the computer generated results to your email. List the 11 skills (in order!) based on the scores provided – list the skill and the score. Attitude 95; Motivation 90; etc.

12 Homework assignment this week Write two paragraphs – 5 sentences each (APA format) - an overview of what you learned about yourself - 5 good quality sentences in each paragraph for full points Select your lowest rated skill then your highest rated skill - list 3 things you learned from each module - write 2-3 sentences about how you intend to apply this information Use Microsoft WORD (not Works or other programs) Save using the naming conventions for this assignment - Yourname-Unit3-LASSIResults.doc Upload and check to make sure the paper icon is there and the document was successfully placed into the Drop Box Open the document to ensure you placed the right one in the Drop Box.

13 APA Format Sample Always indent five to seven spaces and have your margins at 1 inch at the sides and top margin of your paper. Also be sure to double space the page and if needed, cite any sources you might have used. Notice the font type is Times New Roman and the size is 12 pt. Check spelling and grammar. Do not use abbreviations unless you know they are appropriate. There are some critical elements too! For instance, you are required to use Standard English and pay close attention to your grammar, style, and mechanics. This means that you put periods and commas where required and capitalize words that require capitalization. Go back and be sure to respond to the questions completely. Provide specific examples of the concepts and topics for question one and also be specific when answering question two. You should have specific examples for the impact this course had on you, as well.

14 Don’t forget Your course is CS113 The section number to this course is ??? You need this information for your homework!

15 Critical Thinking Self awareness Thinking critically about yourself Keeping an open mind

16 Why should you know your learning style? Knowing your learning style will help you find strategies to retain information and to use your style to your advantage! Help achieve your Personal Educational Career goals

17 Learning Styles vvv Visual Auditory Tactile or kinesthetic Most people use a combination of all three learning styles

18 Visual Learners When in the traditional classroom, watched the teacher’s body language and typically sat in the front of the room Online, they enjoy the extra visual stimulation and information…such as this presentation Happily print or download handouts to see information and often take detailed notes

19 Visual Learners Study hints: -Use a highlighter -Take detailed notes and rewrite if necessary to ensure legibility -Study in a quiet place -Try to visualize information and draw it out to illustrate ideas

20 Auditory Learners When in the traditional classroom, learned best through lectures and discussions Online, they enjoy websites with sound capabilities and textbooks that come with auditory CDs

21 Auditory Learners Study hints: -Read the text and assignments aloud or ask someone to read to them -Discuss ideas with others -Tape the information and play it back -Create rhymes to help remember the information

22 Tactile or Kinesthetic Learners When in the traditional classroom, may have had difficulty sitting still and were easily distracted Online, they enjoy activities that enhance what they are reading or provide practice Desire to use a hands-on approach whenever possible

23 Tactile or Kinesthetic Learners Study hints: - Take frequent breaks - Move around while studying -Use a highlighter – the movement of the pen is what helps - Study in a busy, noisy, or fun area

24 What questions do you have about learning styles before we move on to study strategies?

25 Study Strategies Take the Learning And Study Strategies Inventory LASSI

26 What is it? It assesses student awareness of, and learning and study strategies related to, three components of strategic learning:  Skill (knowledge)  Will (desire)  Self-regulation (discipline)

27 LASSI Provides standardized scores for eleven different scales - percentile score equivalents - national norms Does not give a total score since this is a diagnostic measure.

28 LASSI The focus is on both covert and overt thoughts, behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that relate to successful learning and that can be altered through educational interventions. What do you think this means?

29 Terminology Covert - means disguised or concealed Overt - means it is easy to spot Educational interventions….. YOU TUBE

30 The good news is: success can be learned or enhanced through educational interventions such as learning and study skills courses…such as this one!

31 Diagnostic: serving to identify or characterize It provides students with a diagnosis of their strengths and weaknesses, compared to other college students, in the areas covered by the 11 scales It provides feedback about areas where students may be weak and need to improve their knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and skills.

32 The 11 Scales Attitude Anxiety Concentration Information processing Motivation Communication Selecting Main Ideas Study Aids Self-Testing Test Strategies Time Management

33 Positive Thinking Self perception Positive self-image Positive affirmations….I can! I will!

34 How can this help at work? Solving problems Acting responsibly Time management Communicating clearly Acting motivated Getting along with others Thinking about “the big picture” Other ideas?

35 Questions? What questions do you have regarding the material covered today? Good night and thanks for coming!!!

36 Case Study

37 Can You Help Jayden? Jayden liked school but always got in trouble for getting up and moving around in his high school class. He would tap his pencil on the desk when he was reading, and when doing his assignments at home he liked to walk around. He didn’t like to follow instructions on assignments but preferred to just get started and do the work. This caused some problems for him because he sometimes missed important parts of the assignments. Jayden is now taking online classes.  What suggestions can you give Jayden to help him find success in online studies?  What is Jayden’s preferred learning style? How can he use it to his advantage?

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